Bad Move.

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"You are telling me that no one knows about us kidnapping her? Are you insane, I thought you said that there was a plan in place." I can hear man's voice in the distance as I struggle to open my eyes. 

"Stop acting like a hysterical child. I didn't want to call this in before I knew we could do it and I had to act fast, whilst she is alone and vulnerable." I can hear people moving around me. "Now did you bring the syringe like I asked?" Catrine asks impatiently 

"Yes it's in my car." 

"Well what are you waiting for, for her to wake up and sit down for it?" 

Hearing his heavy step move further away, I decide that dizziness has subsided enough to act. Opening my eyes, I see Catrine looking in direction of the gates. So not wasting any more time I stand behind, so fast that she doesn't even notice me. 

"Well that was a very bad move. What was your plan exactly?" I startle Catrine.  

She swirls around impossibly fast and immediately goes on the offensive. Striking me across the face before I can even notice her fist flying up. Stumbling back few paces I look at her with certain measure of amusement and a great deal of fire in my eyes. But I am not given much time to process the situation as Catrine tries to throw few more powerful kicks and punches at me, but I block them with some ease. Finally deciding that enough is enough, I go on the offensive and despite her speed and clear desire to kill me, she simply isn't a match for me. I swing around and land a kick to her chest, cracking her ribs and propelling her across the room. She lands with a thud on the ground some metres from me. 

"Who are you working for?" I demand. 

"Screw you Celine." She spits blood out and charges again, her fangs on full display. But before she gets to me I back hand her across the face and see as one of those fangs goes flying out of her blood stained mouth. Her eyes are wild and now somewhat frightened. I do not allow her a moment to recuperate and grab her by her throat, squeezing life out of her. 

"Now, who are you working for?" I glare at her with fire in my eyes. Instead of answering Catrine tries to spit at me, but hole where her fang used to be, only makes spittle run down her chin, making her look even more hideous and pathetic. 

"Shame, but looks like you won't live to see 480." I squeeze even harder, noticing her eyes now going back in their sockets. 

I do not want to kill her as she could prove useful, or so I tell my self as I keep squeezing. But before I snap her neck, sound of a shots being fired can be heard and then there is pain lancing through my right shoulder and my arm goes slack, letting Catrine drop to the ground. Swirling around to face Catrine's companion, who has finally returned and is holding gun in one hand and a rather large syringe in the other, with look of absolute horror on his face. I can hear his heart hammer out of his chest and see his knees shake. 

I must be a sight. I muse and keep eye contact with him, making sure to allow my eyes to fully change to their murdery red. 

"Run." I whisper and funnily enough he actually tries to. But just as he  turns around and about to head for the doors, my hands wrap around his neck and with sickening crunch, removing his head from rest of his body, leaving a puddle of blood and gore to decorate the cobbled stones of my estate. Turning to look back at Catrine, whilst still holding mans spine in my left hand, I must look positively feral. 

Catrine is holding on to her throat, look of horror and disgust clearly engraved into her features. Before I can even take a step towards her, she shimmers away. 

"Damn it." I mutter and then pain from the shot wound picks up and I could swear its spreading. Getting my phone out with some difficulty, I dial Lucius.

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