Chapter 9: Unwanted Company

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A/N: you and the others encounter some very unwanted people while vegeta takes on cui.

Bulma was starting to head back to the spaceship. 

Bulma: well I wish you guys the best of luck.😅 

(Y/N): seriously woman? -_- 

Krillin: maybe we should just leave and come back when the dragoncballs are more available 

(Y/N): have you idiots not been listening to me before?! 

Before they could decide, Gohan sensed a power coming their way. 

Gohan: something's coming. 

Krillin: what is it? 

Gohan: their's even higher than Vegeta's. 

Krillin: what?! 

;Y/N): when are they coming? 

???: we're already here. 

(Y/N): hm? 

The spaceship was the destroyed before Bulma could even walk into it. 

(Y/N): the fuck?! 

You all looked up and saw two unseen figures. One looked to wearing the same armor as Vegeta's. He almost looked like goka except he was a male and had darker skin. The other one looked just like Piccolo except he stood bigger and had a few scars on him. 

(Y/N): what the hell? Why is a Namekian attacking us?! 

???: you won't haft to worry about that soon. 

(Y/N): who are you people? 

Turles: I am turles, the greatest saiyan warrior to live! 

Lord Slug: I am lord slug. You don't stand a change again us. 

Krillin: I'd say we were in real big trouble. 

That's when someone suddenly landed next to you. 

(Y/N): hm? 

Bulma: oh great, more trouble. 

The figure stood next to you and faced the two others. 

???: I've been looking for you two. 

Turles: you again? 

Lord Slug: you never learn when to quit 

???: your both not leaving here alive this time. Your both going down. 

Lord Slug: in your dreams kid. Your all going to die! 

(Y/N): well you sound confident in that, let's see if what you say will be proven. 

You both took a battle stance and lunged at the two. And the battle has begun. 


Somewhere else on namek, cui. So far cui was just getting the crap beaten out of him by the saiyan princess. Her power was too much for him to handle on his own. 

Cui: how is this possible? How did you get this powerful? 

Vegeta: it's simple, you fool. We saiyans get stronger everytime we fight. And our power is boosted greatly just from near death. 

Cui: that's insane. Your lying! 

Vegeta: say what you will, but your going to die. 

Vegeta started to charging up her power and cui scouter kept showing him each time her power rose. 


Vegeta's power skyrocket and made cui's scouter explode. Far away from them on another part of the planet, it made Dodoria and Zarbon's scouter explode too. 

Zarbon: well that's odd. My scouter must've malfunctioned. 

Frieza: nevermind that, Zarbon. Let's take care of the pest here. 

Zarbon: at once lady frieza. 

Back with vegeta and cui, cui was freaking out. 

Cui: no this can't be, uh....w...wait l.....Lady Frieza?! 

He looked to the side of vegeta which made her turn around.

There was no one there. Cui fired at her but once to blast cleared, it showed vegeta unharmed. 

Vegeta: big mistake, you little shit. 

A/N: well....he's boned.

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