Could you. . . . SMILE . . . . For me?

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(HE) smiles to hide his fear

(He) smiles to protect his sons'

(he) smiles just to be like his number one idol

but what does (Her) smile hides? 

what's the reason? 


*heavy breathing*

. . . 

. . . 

*deep inhale* *gulp* *exhale*

. . . .

. . . . 

A bloodied hand reaches into a pocket, pulling out a phone, cracked and glitching.

. . . .


. . . 


We see a shot of broken down buildings.

. . .*shaky breaths*

*kkrrrrr*. . . .

A dead body on the ground.


'please.... pick up...'


. . . . .

The road full debris and rubbles splattered with crimson.

. . . . . . 

Shifting the scene into the middle of all the chaos we see a silhouette of a man holding a phone to his ear, his other holding a button on a device. But the shocking thing is the large spike of metal sticking from his back and through his chest.

. . . . . 



A small smile is suddenly plastered on a man's face. He took a deep breath.

"Hello, sweetie..."

A rough, dry, and husky voice responded 

Y/n? is that you?

His smile grew into a loving one

"Yes, It's me, love.."

He chuckled as he heard a happy squeal from the other side of the line

"Calm down, I wouldn't want my wife to faint on me now, would I?"

He quickly dropped the strange device with a button and covered the mic on the phone as he coughed on is hand, he pulled his hand away and saw a crimson, almost looks like black ink, on the palm of his hand.


He wiped his hand on his suit and picked up the device he dropped then continued to hold the button.

'They'll be here soon. . . just take your mind off it'

removing the thumb covering the mic, he continued to talk with his wife

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