Astraea Verta

452 7 1

By @Dahila_Everdeen

Name: Astaea Verta
+1 that's really rare
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Fandom: Hunger Games
-1 never read it
Species: Human
Duh haha
Hair color/style: Raven black, a few inches past her shoulders; slightly curly and usually down
+1 for color
Eye color: Left grey, right green (explanation below)
+1 Heterochromia too my dude?
Skin color: Somewhere between light brown and dark brown
Wardrobe: A long sleeve grey shirt with baggy things that somewhat resemble jeans; both are have dirt and have leaves on them.
While the grammar leaves something to be desired, it's a good simple outfit. -1
Crush: N/A
People crushing on them: Osiris Herson (more details below)
Likes: The outdoors, sweets, company
Dislikes: The dark, neon colors, the Capitol's sense of style
N i c e
Backstory: She had an average childhood for where she lived. Her father usually came home after she went to sleep, so they didn't have the desired relationship they wanted. Her mother was severely ill
so she often took care of the house during the day. Her father cleaned up in the nighttime. Her best friend, Osiris Herson, often helped clean both at night and during the day. He was an orphan
+1 obligatory orphan
so he truly didn't have anything better to do besides go to school. In return for his deeds, he got to eat. Her family wasn't on poverty, but they weren't rich either.
-2 middle class. Not often seen.
They just had enough to provide for themselves and Osiris.
N  i  c  e
Other: Lives in district 7, best friend is Osiris Herson, has heterochromia iridis, a disease causing one eye to be a different color from the other.

Final score: 5
Verdict: N   i   c   e
Great job, she could definitely improve but then again everybody can improve! Good job, Dahila_Everdeen!

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