Get to the Jet!

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It's been four months since you've trained with your allies, The Avengers themselves. And now you had gotten captured by Hydra while you were on a mission. "Y/N, how was your flight?" You turned around from being tied in a chair, struggling. You refuse to say anything, because everyone knows that you spill things too quickly. Luckly you were trained to keep your mouth shut at all circumstances. You feel a slap to the face. "I said, how was your flight?" The tall, intimidating man got closer to your face, making it unbearable to breath from his rotten breath. All you could do is spit in his face. "Augh!" The man covered his face and stepped back, shoving his partner at you. "You deal with her!" You smirked, getting your way. The other man looked much smaller and was wearing a black bandana over his face. "Do you know why you're here, miss Y/L?" From his voice, he didn't sound intimidating, but rather kind of friendly. It's then when you decide to speak. "I'm guessing you want me to tell you secrets about the Avengers initiative?" You scoff. "Well, it's not going to work." You say, the man steps back, then tilts his head down at you. 

"I know." He looks around, seeing if the other man had gone, yet, then he put his hands in his pockets. "Because I didn't train you to tell anyone about the initiative." You raise an eye brow as he uncovers his face. "Oh God, Tony. I thought I was going to die." You smile, then he smiles back.

"Shh. We need to get to the main helecarrier. It'll take us back to SHIELD's base." He leans down to untie you, then looks around, you both hear footsteps. 

"Hurry." You say, struggling to get out of the chair.

"Well maybe if you stop moving around, maybe it'll be easier for me to untie you."

"Fine but still, hurry!" You furiously whisper at him and sit still. Suddenly, a voice sounds from the speakers as sirens start to go off. 


Tony speaks through the ear com as he finally unties you. "Thanks, Cap." 

~"No problem, Tony. Get to the helecarrier."~

You stand up out of your seat you've been sitting in for a while, your legs start to ache from the numbness. "Thanks."

"No problem. Can you run?" He says, helping you up.

"Yeah, I think so." You look at him, waiting for him to move, sirens still blairing. 

"C'mon. This way, follow me." He starts to run towards the exit of the building, up a staircase. You quickly follow him, step by step, and almost bump into him from his unusual abrupt stop.

"What happened?"

"Uh...Nothing. Just..stairs." He starts to run up the stairs, mumbling to himself, "I hate stairs, why'd they send me to get Y/N, if I don't get my suit..." He finally gets to the roof, where a jet is waiting to drop you off on the helecarrier. "Go, get to the jet! I'll catch up!" He stays behind a bit to catch his breath while you run as fast as you can towards the jet and hop in. Before you know it, he's right behind you and you both sit down, out of breath in the jet.

"Hey Y/N. We'll get you home in no time. Promise." Natasha flicks a few switches in the cockpit before the jet lifts off. 

"Hey Nat." Tony says, still out of breath. She just nods.

"Cap, Clint and Bucky are waiting on the helecarrier. You better say 'thank you'. It was their idea to help rescue you." She smiles at you and the jet is on it's way to the helecarrier. You look at Tony, raising an eyebrow. He looks back guilitly.

"What? Look, if I wasn't there, you wouldn't be here. I helped." He scoffed, looking out the window. About a few minutes later, you arrive at the hellecarrier, and you, Natasha and Tony step out, and are greeted by Steve and the rest. 

"You alright?" Steve looks at your bruised cheek.

"Better now that I'm here." You look at them all. "Thanks guys."  You hug everyone and they lead you back to base.

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