The Unexpected Sitter

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"C'mon, Goose, stop it. I need to get to my suit." Carol looked down at a curled up Goose, laying like a muffin on her suit. "Goose." Is all Carol could say, but couldn't help looking at the flerkin, admiring his adorable pose. Goose could only manage to let out a relaxed purr.
"Goose, you're staying here. That's the end of the conversation." Carol finally took Goose up and set him aside, reaching for her suit, putting it on, then heads towards the door.
All of a sudden a long meow retorts from Goose.
"Goose..." She stands there, looking at Goose, then thinks for a moment. I can't just leave him here alone, he'll eat everything. But I can't risk another mission going wrong... he needs a sitter. And I know the perfect one for the job.
Carol smirked, remembering a fellow Avenger had owed her something for saving his life. . .
She immediately picked up the phone and dialed. The other side picked up.
"Yhello. This is Tony Stark. What do you want, Carol?"
"A favor."
"Want or need?"
"You owe me, remember?"
"I don't recall...but tell me what you need anyway."
"I need you to watch over my cat, Goose."
"You named your cat, 'Goose'? Like the animal? The bird?"
"Tony, I'm not in the mood. I have a mission to go do. You can ask Goose that when you get there. Bye." Carol hung up, and pats Goose on the head. "Don't eat anything while waiting for the sitter. He'll be here in no time." She opened the door and walked out.

Awhile later, there's a knock at the door. Goose looks at the door, head springing up from his nap, and walks over. The door opens and Goose looks up at Tony. Tony is not dressed for a cat sitting appointment.
"I should have worn white..." Tony brushes off his suit jacket and goes over to Goose. "So uh...hey..Goose." He says, then sits down on the couch, rubbing his face. I just said hello to a cat. Goose purred in return, rubbing his orange flank against Tony's leg, shedding little orange hairs all over it. Tony makes a face, then all of a sudden springs up to go to the kitchen. Goose sees him head for the kitchen and immediately follows him and meows repeatedly, sitting next to his food bowl.
Tony looks over at Goose's food bowl and scratches his head. That's a little big for a cat... But he shrugged and dumped some kibble into it, only filling up a little less than half the diameter of the bowl.
"There. You happy?" He looked away for a second, then looked back at Goose, then the food bowl. It was licked clean. Tony felt another rub against his leg. The flerkin meowed once more, then purred happily.
"That's it. You're not getting anymore. You're already fat as it is." Tony turned away, then started going through the cupboards, looking for something he, himself could eat. Nothing. Geez Carol, how do you survive? His thoughts are interrupted by a long meow and a clang next to his foot. He looks down to see Goose heckling him for food again.
"No, Goose. You've had enough." Goose could understand Tony's words, but he kept persisting for more food. Eventually Tony decided to ignore him and went to go sit on the couch.  Goose had gotten the gesture, and looked at one of the shoes Tony had kicked off when he first walked in. To a flerkin, this was a delicious snack, and Goose didn't hesitate to walk over and sniff it. Tony was too occupied by the news he had turned on, so Goose made his move. Goose started licking the shoe and decided whether to maybe just swallow the whole he did. But un-benounced to Goose, Tony had watched the whole thing get swallowed up by the flerkin tentickles.
"Oh my God, Goose...THAT WAS MY SHOE!" Tony immediately had gotten up and picked Goose up, patting him on the back.
"Spit it out! Spit it out, Goose!"
Goose refused and tried to squirm away from Tony's arms, getting orange fur all over his suit jacket. He dropped Goose, after realizing his suit was probably ruined now, then looked at his only remaining shoe. Why'd I have to be picked for this job?

An hour and a half passed by, and Tony was asleep on the couch, TV still blaring political news. He would only wake up for a moment if he heard his name on TV or a meow that spewed from the kitchen. But out of nowhere, of course the sound of keys hitting the locks of the door were heard, and Tony looked around, panicked, but then calmed down when he saw the orange, flerkin furrball napping on his chest. By then, the door had finally opened, Carol standing right in the middle of the doorway. Tony turned the TV off, then looked at Carol, then Goose.
"Goose, I'm back!" Carol knelt down, as Goose sprang off of Tony's chest, leaving a fluff cloud of orange hairs in his face. Tony spat out some hairs out of his mouth as he sat up on the couch.
Goose, meanwhile snuggled himself into Carol's arms, purring a 'welcome back' to his best friend.
Carol looked at Tony as she got up.
"Well you look like you've been to hell and back." She laughed.
"Yeah...thanks for the opportunity." He retorted sarcastically and stood up, brushing his jacket off, furiously.
It's because he had been to hell  and back.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2019 ⏰

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