Shopping with Otakus...

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"-sigh-, Konata, I thought we were looking for clothes for you, not more anime and manga." Said Kagami frustrated. "But,but,but,but, It'! Besides, I'm a guy, why wouldn't I want to see two girls kiss each other?" They were in town square, and Konata, in baggy clothes that she borrowed from her dad-her girls clothes didn't fight right now, and it would look weird, a guy in a girl's clothes- and her up in a messy ponytail, to make her look more boy-ish. 'I guess I should refer to her as a 'He' now.' Thought Kagami. "Hey, that's just gross." Said Kagami. Konata had been talking about a yuri anime called "Strawberry Panic".

"Come on, Konata." She said pulling her friend away from the store. "Aww.....and Kagami, I told you, I want to be called Konato now." He said, following Kagami down the sidewalk toward a clothes shop. Kagami stopped outside. "Now, we're here to get several thing. Casual clothes, Pajamas, dress clothes, a male kimono, and underwear. Your dad already ordered your school uniform, so it will be here by Monday. Any questions?"

"Yes. Are you going to help me pick out underwear, or do I have to do that by myself?"

Kagami became flustered. She slapped them upside the back of his head. "Why did you ask me that?!?!"

"Well, I wanted to know what you liked." He smirked, acting as if it was meant to sound suggestive.

"Ugh! Let's just go!" and Kagami stomped inside, Konato following her inside.

They came out a bit later, carrying several bags outside. Kagami checked the bags. "Okay, we got everything." She looked inside her wallet. "Oh, there's some extra money. I guess we can go to the anime store, if you want to." Kagami sighed. Why did she say that? I think she was just trying to be nice. Yeah, that's it. Nothing more. Just nice. "Yay!!" Konato ran down the street, and into the anime store. Kagami walked in after him. Konato was nowhere to be seen. She decided to go see if they had the latest issue of her light novel. She saw that they did, grabbed the bottom one-an old trick she had learned from Konata, or Konato, now-, and walked to the front desk. Konato came up behind, carrying a DVD and a manga book. It was the Strawberry Panic DVD, and the manga was Shakugan no Shana, one of his and Kagami's favorites. After purchasing the items, they headed back to Konato's house to put them away into his closet.

A/N- its short but sweet. and i think I did a good job of keeping them in character. The next chapter will be taking place at school.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 27, 2010 ⏰

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