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Kurt E. Hummel

For as long as Kurt could remember, he always knew he was different.

It wasn't anything obvious, like his outfits or how smart he was compared to his age-mates.

No, it was how he felt. Like there was more going on inside of him than he thought possible.

Again, it wasn't anything physical (or at least, he hoped not). It just felt like sometimes he was something else. Like there was three other people fighting for control.

Kurt knew it was weird, and that other kids didn't feel like this, so he never told Mommy and Daddy, no matter how much he wanted.

Once again, it wasn't anything they did or said that caused him pause, but a voice, an instinct, to not say anything. To keep up the appearance of an obvious gay with a passion in fashion and music, specifically Broadway. Even though it was part of who he was, that was all it was. A part of him, not all of him.

He never felt guilty about lying who he was to his parents, and up until they told him he was adopted, he wondered why. Since then, Kurt instaed started to wonder who his biological family were.

(It never crossed his mind to question the fact that he thought his blood family compromised of more then his real parents).

But despite his questions, Kurt never voiced them. When Burt and Elizabeth Hummel told him that his adoption was a closed one in New Orleans, he knew that they didn't have the answers he desperately needed.

The only they could tell him was that he was a newborn when they found him (so his birthday really is August 15th, good to know). That he was given away from someone who seemed to get rid of him but wasn't in anyway related to him, (so he was kidnapped from his real family!?), and that the two had taken him in an hour after.

It only spurred on his curiosity of the people he was related to through biologically. Because if his was actually a kidnapped case, then that meant his family had/has enemies. The only he wasn't sure about was who the bad guys were. And that he had to actually questioned if his blood family weren't the villains in it.

But it hadn't shaken him enough to stop looking for them as he now knew they were looking for him. If anything, it spurred him on, wanting answers. Like all orphans want.

Kurt knew his search would prove fruitless and the last few years proved him right. No matter where he and his parents went during his school vacation, it all went up in smoke.

Then his Mom got cancer. And nothing else mattered.

Her case of it went straight to the fourth stage and there was nothing the anyone could do but watch as she withered.

That year proved to be the most trying time of his short life. He and Dad were constantly beside her whenever the other was at school or at the garage respectively.

The father and son was forced to watch as the greatest woman either of them knew slowly become a skeleton despite her reassurances they would do fine without her. She usually said this to Burt, as he was weary in raising both Kurt and Riley (Riley was their first born, but when they found out Elizabeth couldn't have anymore children, the parents had adopted Kurt. He was five years older) by himself.

But Elizabeth also knew that Kurt wouldn't have the will to continue to look for his real family and told him constantly that he shouldn't stop searching on her behalf. That he would be making her upset, and -knowing how superstitious he was despite being an atheist- that she would be taking that upset with her.

Kurt cursed her manipulation while she retorted she only learned from the best and that he should teach Riley that as soon as he could.

Kurt laughed then, and believed, for the first time, that everything would be fine, even after she was gone.

The funeral a few months later was not something Kurt would like a repeat of anytime soon. The fake condolences, the empty comforting smiles, the pitying looks. Couple that with his naive younger brother and his walking dead father, it shouldn't have been a surprise at what Kurt did next.

It really shouldn't have been. But how could anyone have known? He didn't display any signs of it after he turn eight, and the two parents had dismissed the strangeness of it everytime it happened.

The town of Lima called the Blackout, as no electricity of any kind could power up for the next month. Kurt knew it was the cause of his magick acting out from his mother death. 

When Burt and Riley found out, neither of them turned Kurt away. They were shocked, of course, but it only motived them to search for Kurt's family even more, as they would be the only ones who could help him with this.

But by the time Kurt was thirteen, he ended the search, saying that it wasn't worth it anymore. The father and son had let the subject drop when the fashionista said that he couldn't keep getting disappointed every failed attempt.

A year later, Kurt started William Mekinley High School, the youngest freshman of the class, and in consequence, the youngest in the entire building for the direction of the school year.

It is noted, that when Kurt was 12, he had a hand in indirectly killing a supervisor during a camping trip in the summer when a couple of coyotes found their site and the boy had accidentally pushed Austin Flint towards one of them.

And without a wolf to teach him how to control his urges, especially during the full moon, combined with his witch powers, he had to go through it all by himself.

The only release he had was in music.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2019 ⏰

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