Twisted Thrice

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Fell's POV

September 13

I looked at the new kid as he sat down outside with his friends, they were frantically trying to explain something and when they finally got it through, he almost spit his drink. It was kinda funny. Having said that, I realized I was actually pretty hungry. So, being the jerk that I am, I stole some of my buddy's ice cream and ate it before he came back. My parents don't pack me lunch or give me money to buy it, so I just steal my friends' food. He came and sat back down before groaning at the obvious chunk of Ice Cream scooped out of his bowl.

"Fell, why?"

"Because I have no money and my parents don't pack for me."

He groaned again but passed me his sandwich and I took it happily, thankful that I can eat today.

After finishing lunch, I looked around for the new kid, I don't know why, but he interests me. He looks like a sweet innocent kid, a goodie two shoes really but he has this badass looking scar going across his face. Not the type you would get falling down the stairs, the type you would get from getting in a fight. I should know. So how did he get it? He's pretty small, like 4 foot at least and doesn't look too strong. I shrugged it off and went to my next class.

How did I suspect he would be in this class too? He looked at me strangely before taking his seat in front of me. Barely paying attention to the teacher once more, I stared at the kid. I had paid so little attention in Ms. Toriel's class that I didn't even hear his name. So I've just settled on calling him "The New Kid" or just "Kid". See how much I care? No? Good, because I don't. After hearing something about a project, my skull jerked up. Projects normally mean partners, and that means I get a chance to boost my already deathly low grade. So I decided to pay attention for once and listened to the teacher explain that this was an astronomy project and that we were supposed to make a project showing the most uncommon constellations we could find on a diorama. I smirked and leaned back in my seat, I already know at least three different space nerds to help me ace this project.
"But the only thing is that I will be picking your partners"

My face fell. Great, now I'll be stuck with God knows who.

"I'll read off the groups now." He picks up a paper and clears his throat.

"Mia, Jon, and Calais. Spring, Donatella, and Nightmare. Jaque, Najay, and Lucca. Fern, Kelly, and Star. Fell, Samantha, and Break. Kerri, Dream, and Data. And finally, Gerald, Bianca, and Hate."

As soon as I heard that Samantha was working with us, I groaned. She's a total basic white girl. Date you, drop you, hate you. I don't know how the new kid is, so this'll be interesting. Samantha gets up and walks over to my desk, knowing that I'm not going to move. Break also gets up, timidly walking over to the two of us. He sat down next to me kind of shaking, and I shot him a questioning look. He waved my look off with a fake smile I could easily see past.

"Ok, so let me get one thing clear, when we work together, I'm not doing anything, you do the work for me and put MY name on it and that's final, question me and I will make High School the worst years of your life."

"It already is, what else can you do?"

I pushed off Samantha's dumbass comment and she growled at me.

"Why can't you just do your own work and take your own credit?"

I looked at Break a little shocked before realizing, Oh yeah, he doesn't know about Samantha's.......... 'Problem'

"Because I told you too and I ALWAYS get what I want"

"......... You didn't get me"

I mumbled after remembering she had tried to get me to date her a while ago.

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