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A.N Hey guys sorry iv'e been lacking on writting, as I said before I'm so busy with cheerleading and school. But I'm going to try my best to make it up to all of you. 


Owww my arm is killing me, wait why am I so cold? I looked down and saw that I was naked, my hands were tied to metal bars and my feet were tied at the end of the bed. I started shaking not wanting to know what happened to me. I squeezed my eyes shut wanting to cry. Austin! where's Austin? I turned my head and saw a figure sitting in the corner with their head down. "Austin?" I called out. The person's head shot up and turned around to face me. It was him, his face was bruised and he had dried blood around his nose and mouth. His arm was limp and it looked like it was broken. He still hasn't said a word to me, "Austin what, what happened?" I asked. It was quiet for a minute then I heard a soft weep. "He, he raped you... and I had to sit here and watch the hole thing and I couldn't do anything about it." He stated. I had to let all that sink in, what if I get pregnate. I'm still in high school and I don't need a baby exspecially this way. I started tearing up and my body started trembling. All the sudden the door flew open and there stood a boy with long brown hair combed to the side. "Austin! Are you okay?" He asked. I looked over at Austin and his eyes grew wide. "Alex you are a life saver! How did you know we were here?" "People were saying you were missing and a girl too?" Alex said. Austin pointed over to me, "Thats's my girlfirend, Ashley." He said. Alex's eyes grew wide. I forgot I didn't have any clothes on. Alex ran over to me and cut the rope from my hands and feet then grabbed the clothes off the floor and gave them to me so I could get dressed. I slipped my pants on then my shirt, while Alex was undoing the rope around Austin's hands. "Yeah, yeah they're in here." An unfamilliar voice screamed. I ran over to Austin and Alex terrified, "Here each of you take one." Alex whispered. I looked in the bag and it was a gun. "I can't" I said scared. Alex took the gun out of the bag and handed it to me. "Look Ashley, we have to do this okay? Do you want to live or do you want to die? They won't just let us go we have to do this." Austin said seriously. I loaded the gun and ran in a dark corner to hide with Austin, Alex went on the other side if the room to hide. The door swung open and there stood about five big buff guys. "Where the hell did they go I thought you said they were in here!" One of the guys said. They all started looking around when one of the was standing right in front of the table we were hiding under. Austin and I looked at Alex "Ready 1,2,3" he mouthed. We all came out at the same time and started shooting at the guys. One, two, three of them were down already. I aimed my gun at the fourth guy and Austin did the same while Alex aimed at the fifth guy. I pulled the trigger. 1,2,3 shots and he was down. There was no one left to shoot. I couldn't process what I just did... I killed someone and I have to live the rest of my life knowing that. I heard sirens from all directions outside the building. I fell to th floor knowing that we were all caught, we had all just committed a crime and we were all going to go to jail for it. I started bawling my eyes out and Austin came to pick me up off the floor. "Everything's gonna be alright." He whispered in my ear. "No, no , no! Austin how could you let me do something like this! I can't believe you! You said that this would never happen again, you said that you would never ever kill anyone again. Just then the police barged in the room. "Miami Dade police! drop your weapons and put your hands up!" they shouted. One by one they came and hancuffed us. As we were walking out I looked at Austin with hate and disbelief.

~The next day~

Last night I spent the night in jail. The police called my mom and told her everything that had happened and that she could come and pick me up. When she got there she didn't say anything to me at all. The police had told my mom that Austin had to be bailed out or else he would have to stay here for three years. When my mom came to pick me up she also picked Austin up. Alex was able to go today to because this was his first time getting into any trouble. Austin and I walked to the car. When we got in the car it was silent, Until my mom decided to speak up. 

This is all I have for this chapter right now but when I get more time I will finish writting the rest of the chapter. Thanks for reading and voting, it means so much to me!

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