Do we know each other? Chapter 1. PT 1

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(Quick heads up this will be part one of Chapter 1)


Y/N's POV:

It was a crisp November morning when I had been sleeping peacefully all cuddled up in my blankets, that is, till I was rudely awaken by the sound of my phone alarm blaring in my ears. I groan as I sat up on my bed while I turned my phone alarm off yawning and stretching . I sighed as I got out of bed thinking about how today is going to be my first day st my new highschool. I wasn't ready, we barely just moved in a week ago and already the people here made me uncomfortable. I have no clue what it is but it's just something about this place that screams bad news. Maybe it's just me getting all rattled up for nothing— right?

I walked out of my room and into my private bathroom where I did my usual morning routine. Looking in the mirror I cringed at my appearance forgetting this is how I actually look in real life and not how imaged myself looking at Hogwarts. Oh to be in a love triangle with Harry and Draco— Gah! Snap out of it! Soon...
I brushed my teeth before combing down my (H/L), (H/C) hair while humming one of my favorite songs by (F/A). Once I had finished taming the monster know as my hair- I walked out of my bathroom and over to my closet. I picked out a pair of jeans and threw on a (F/C) t-shirt before I put on a pair of Converse.

After finishing all that mess I opened my door and walked down stairs where my older brother was eating breakfast. I greeted him and smiled while fixing my breakfast, "Mornin' Steve!" I exclaimed. "Mornin' (Y/N)!" He greeted back with a smile. I sat down besides Steve to eat my breakfast when the loser randomly pulled me in for a noogie. "Let go! I just brushed my hair!" Believe it or not this was normal for us in the mornings. I would come down to eat, Steve would randomly headlock me and give me a noogie.
It took a couple of minutes before the douche actually let go of me. I groaned out of the agony knowing I now having to brush my hair all over again. "Really? You couldn't have waited till after school when I don't have to look decent anymore?— You- You baby sailor!" I'm sorry, okay? I'm not good at insults...
"Ma'am, this baby sailor uniform represents bravery, honor, and sacrifice." The way Steve said it actually made me want to believe him for a second- just a second. "Dude, you scoop ice cream for a living." He stared at me with a stern expression putting his hand on my shoulder as I just watched the fool blankly; no wonder he gets rejected 24/7. The brunette only stared off into the distance before speaking in a soft, yet 'motivational' tone as if he was about send a thousand soldiers to their deaths. "Only one day, will you know what it's like to experience true pain." Did- did he just— did this dude just attempt to reference Naruto? Jeez he can't even do that.. "Whatever you say akatsuki Steve from the village hidden in the mall." I went back to finishing my food before putting them in sick when I was done. I sat back down and waited for Steve to finish his own breakfast scrolling through my phone as I did so.

When he was finally done he stood up and gave me a small noogie, again, "Come on, grab your stuff so you can start heading towards the bus stop." Steve said as she grabbed his empty plate and taking them to the sink. I groaned knowing I have to WALK to get to the bus.Grabbing my bag and phone, I glared at the older man for this treacherous act.
"Why can't you just drive me ? The school is literally on the way to the mall! I asked dramatically. Steve turned to face me and rolled his eyes as he put his hands on his hips, "(Y/N), you'll live. Now go before you miss the bus and are late to school!" "Well can you at least pick me up later?" I was pleading man I didn't want ride that mental torture TWICE everyday! I hate riding the bus.. "lemme think.. hmm... no! I got a babysitting job later. Now off to school with you!" He said as he literally shoved me out the door and slamming it before I could even protest.
I sighed muttering some very colorful words as I placed my earbuds in starting to play some music while I began my walking to the bus stop.

???'s POV:

I was in my front yard just starting to walk to the bus stop when I heard a door slam from nearby. It came from next door. I peeked around the wooden fence and saw a (H/C) girl standing outside the house looking dumbfounded and was muttering something I couldn't quit hear. I haven't seen her around before, ' I guess she just moved in..' though she does ironically look like a girl I knew as a kid when I was still a Kids Next Door operative.
What was her name again? [Insert name that is close to y/n] No that's not it! Maybe [Now insert name that's way off]? Gah-! I can't remember! All I can remember is she used to be numbuh 270, one of the best of the best. Well, until she turned thirteen and had to decommission, but even then she stayed loyal to the Kids Next Door by not joining the adults. She was amazing in every way. Like her combat skills, manipulation skills, her personality, the way her hair bounced whenever she walked, her voice... I guess you can I had a bit of a crush on numbuh 270 when we were younger.

I sighed as I started to get flashbacks to when I was a Kids Next Door operative. Back when I was still fighting against the evil clutches of Father and those delightful brats along the side of my team and numbuh 270 before she was decommissioned and had to move away. I took a deep breath and shook away all the thoughts, because right now I've gotta bus to catch!

Back to Y/N POV:

After walking what felt like two hundred miles I finally made it to the bus stop but maybe a little too late, because the second I made it the bus stop the bus was already about to leave. I ran quickly flailing my arms around like a mad man trying to catch up. "WAIT DON'T LEAVE!" I yelled as I tried to keep up with the bus, but it was too late. The bus had already left leaving me behind.

Just then, determination filled me and I started running after the bus with no hesitation. Now believe me when I say I was close to catching up the bus! But the thing that stopped me at my tracks was an old friend of mine from way back when. I paused my music and pulled my earbuds out cause the only thing I could do now was look at him with crossed arms and smirk, "Well look who the cat dragged in." I said smugly before doing a small dramatic hair flip for extra flair.

???'s POV:

As I was walking behind that girl next door I started to get to thinking 'What if it IS numbuh 270' ? I  mean she did move into her old house and certainly looks a lot like her. I need answers. I was about to go catch up to the girl so we could talk— then I noticed she was wearing earbuds and wouldn't be able to hear me. I sighed as I decided to just run up to her and tap her on the shoulder, but not even that was possible because before I knew it she was running and flailing around her arms and screaming like a crazy person.
It took me a minute realize she was running after the bus. Once I had taken notice I also started running but slowed down when I saw her stop. Not wanting to  be rude and accidently shove her if I ran I hid behind a nearby bush and watched her. What? It's not creepy. I'm just observing her to see what kind of personality she has. Anyways this isn't about me! By the looks of it; it seemed as though she was talking to someone, unfortunately I couldn't tell who. Maybe a friend?

(So that concludes  the rework part 1 of this chapter I hope you enjoyed this crappy chapter!)

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 10, 2021 ⏰

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The Girl Next Door (Teen!KND x Reader) [UNDER REWORK]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora