Tip of the iceberg

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Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Bleach! R&R

Chapter 7

"Silence!" Yamamoto's voice thundered as he slammed his cane hard against the cold floor. Immediately all captains and their vice captains went silent in the meeting hall.

All eyes were on him and the two that stood to his right.

Kagome watched through narrowed eyes as their hands gripped tightly the hilt of their sword.



After the whole Aizen fiasco, Kagome found herself with her son and Kirara in the soutaicho's office.

She held his intense glare with an emotionless face. Shippo could care less of the old man and found himself a comfortable chair to sit in at the corner of the room.

"I was under the impression that the Shikon Miko vanished from the face of the earth five hundred years ago." He started, wary of the miko youkai before him.

"Are you not aware that the Shikon Miko is a time traveler, Soutaichou-sama?" she retorted as politely as possible.

"That is impossible! To go through time, one would need the blessings from fates and kami-sama!"

"Hence why I am the guardian of the shikon no tama." She sighed, finally sitting down in the chair provided for her.

"Yamamoto-san, I was blessed by both kami-sama and her sister the fates that hold every creature's lives in their hands, all past, present and future. It was during one of my battles against the spider youkai that plagued the feudal era, that I found myself visited by Reio-sama."

She watched his reaction and was pleased to find that he was finally calm and listening to her.

"Amidst the battle, time froze for me. Reio-sama came personally to bestow upon me the agreement that when the time comes and I have to meddle between a world aside from youkai and humans, I am to demand the respect he has written in your laws. He has told me of the evil to come in the future. A battle of the reincarnation of Onigumo, the human counterpart of the spider youkai. He is what you now know as the traitor Sosuke Aizen."

The elder shinigami stiffened at the mention of the traitor and the knowledge he was presented with.

Kagome took out the holy crest of the soul king and placed it on his table. That alone was proof enough that she was who she claimed she is. In the history of soul society, it was said a creature of holy powers was bestowed the crest of the soul king. The respect and power given to her was second to that of the soul king in his prime. No other could be as strong as her.

Kagome shook her head at him.

"Whatever you're thinking is mostly true. The part where there are no others as strong as me is false. Another individual who's powers rival mine roams these lands. And it will be with his power and alliance is how will turn the tides of this war and the next.

"The next? Are you saying-"

Kagome nodded with a frown.

"Aizen waging a war against you is nothing but the tip of the iceberg. I have seen your future, Soutaicho-sama. You will fall and another war will be waged against you and yours. The past you tried so hard to bury will arise and be the doom of your kind."

"Then we must take the precautions to win the upcoming war." He said stiffly. Fully aware of the consequences of his mistake now.

She nodded in agreement.

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