•my oc•

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•Amelia Martin

• 30, but looks 15 [slow body aging; because her powers affected her Stem cells in the brains hypothalamus.]



☞ personality:
Amelia is a sweet, strong-willed girl. She is a dreamer, and is very ambitious. She's intelligent and focuses on her studies more than she needs to. She's a straight A student, although she hates some of the subjects. She's very musically talented, plays multiple instruments, and is really good at archery. People usually find her sitting in her room writing or reading a book.
unless you get her pissed off or bother her. If you do then she'll become a total bitch.

•She works at Starbucks and is also a writer (Starbucks is a side job}

after the academy]
•she joined Seoul University and studied as a writer. After she graduated she wrote her first book, comic book, about herself and her powers.
[of course people think that it's weird that she looks really young]

•Amelia was put into the umbrella academy at the age of 11; because that's around the time that her dead beat parents put her out on the streets. Amelia's parents kept her even though she had powers, and they really didn't even give two craps about her. Her mom died 6 years after her birth so she was stuck with her druggy father and horrible stepmom. Anyway, her 'parents' gave her up because they just couldn't take care of her.

•In the academy, she got along with most of the seven. Not much of Luther but she has her times. She had quite a confusing relationship with her adoptive father, she didn't hate him but she never really liked him.

•Number 5 or Number 6 [depends]

crush]•Number 5 or Number 6 [depends]

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