Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

            Niall's POV: Day is going pretty good. Bus was nice we didn't really talk we just made-out. No one has made-out with me other than Taylor *Knock on wood!* I've noticed Taylor has still been crying a little bit because it's only been one day since the incident. But I've been there every time to clam her down and comfort her. The bell rang and I kissed Taylor goodbye till I see her next period. I almost make it to my locker when once again the blond grabs my shirt and attempts to make-out with me but I promised Taylor nothing like this would ever happen. "Look, what ever your name is, I don't like you and never will. I don't want to make-out with you. Hell I don't even want to kiss you, touch you, look at you, and I definitely wont think of you. So stop pulling me around the corner when I have to get to class." She stands there in shock when I walk away with smile on my face. Taylor is no where to be found but I'm still going to tell her what happened. I hope we can work everything else out because I really love her and I can't live without her. I turn around and see the most ridiculous thing ever. "Oh Shit!" I slam my locker shut and run.

            Taylor's POV: I cry here and there because I'm afraid he is lying but I know he isn't. I know if she tries something he'll stop her and I'm grateful for that. I can't bare anymore heartbreaking because mine still needs fixing. The bell rings and Niall kisses me goodbye till the next class. I know I seem like a stalker but I follow him to his locker to make sure he doesn't get pulled. Well she does the same thing again and I start to cry and walk away. I turn around to see if he noticed me but he is talking to her and she has a shocked facial expression and I thought to myself, he really did turn her down. I turn back around and Niall is walking away. I start to walk after him but my focus is on the girl. I walk up to her with my hand in a fist and I raise it up and punch her in the face. She gets forced up against the wall and I repentantly punch her in the face and spit out nasty comments. Somebody tries to push me off but I push them off, until Niall figures out what's going on and runs towards me and pulls me off. "What the hell are you doing Taylor?!?!" He looks scared like I'm going to hurt him or something. "Giving her what she deserves. That bitch can go die in a whole. She causes my pain and its time to give her some of her own medicine. He kisses my forehead and I kiss him on the cheek. They call my name over the intercom and I give Niall one last kiss goodbye till I get my punishment for fighting. Joy to the world!

I got bored so i decided to post again tonight! Im super tired so im going to bed now but ill post 9 tomorrow(: Sorry it was boring in the begining but atleast it left off with some action of jealousy(; Goodnight(:

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