Keep it Steady

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Keep it steady
Your pencil drops
Keep it steady
Your voice silences
Keep it steady
Your eyelids snap shut like a


set of blinds, so
Keep it steady
Your never-ceasing 10 lane tumultuous highway of thoughts
Until even the worried murmurs        of passengers cannot be heard

Keep it steady

Your hand stops twitching
Keep it steady
Your lips purse for a moment then fall
limp. Will they ever move again?

Keep it steady

Your ears feel a sharp pain but then you are enfulged by muted buzzing

Keep it steady

Where did your memories go?
Where did the sanity go?

Keep it steady

Where was it that your pinky finger, shaking, fall?
It fell on the red square that turns off your phone's camera.

You delete all you said.
Everyone is gone.

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