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"Oh no, it was my fault. Should have been looking where I was going." Freya fumbled for words, her eyes scanning the beautiful man in front of her. Her heartbeat slowed as the initial shock had faded. His hair was a light brown, it could almost pass for blonde, short soft curls piled at the top of his head. The street light above allowed her to examine his face. His green eyes were something she had never seen before, they looked cold. But gorgeous nonetheless. His jaw was defined, his skin a soft ivory shade.

He observed her reaction, she didn't seem intimidated. Most were often frightened by his intense stare and threatening eyes. Freya was curious, not afraid. "Why are you out roaming the streets at this hour?" He smirked, she was either very naive or audacious.

Freya admired the husky, British accent. "I'm on my way home." She stated bluntly, he needed no other information. "Why are you?" The man still stood in-front if her, observing her closely.

"Just thought I'd get something to eat." He shrugged, still smirking. Freya watched as his eyes scanned over her body, his smirk only growing. His eyes were honest, but his smirk was hiding something. Freya sensed it, but shook it off and stepped around him. "Sorry again for bumping into you, but I have to work tomorrow and I need to sleep."

He laughed lightly at the way her voice still held so much courage, she was not unnerved around him and that was rare. He didn't want her to walk away, she intrigued him. "Where do you work, love?"

"No, this is definitely not happening. You're a complete stranger, you have no reason to know where I work. Goodbye." Now it was Freya's turn to smirk. She began walking off, leaving the handsome man standing in her previous spot. He could easily pull her back, and force an answer from her pretty lips. But he didn't, he simply let her walk off, knowing he would see her again.


The bar was quiet most of the day, most of the towns people waiting until the sun goes in before they start drinking. Freya was re-cleaning all the glasses, trying to keep herself occupied. She heard the door open, so sat the glass she was holding down and walked to the front. Her heart dropped at the sight of him.

"What are you doing here?" She spat, wanting him as far away from her as possible.

"Babe, I told you I was sorry. Please let me talk to you, we can go to the coffee house after your shift." Her ex boyfriend pleaded, this was the third time he had tried to contact her since they split up 6 months ago.

"No way. You broke my heart and that is something I will never go through again. I will not go anywhere with you, I don't even want to speak to you. You know what Scott, please just get out. You don't even deserve my breath." Anger was beginning to bubble inside of her. How dare he show his face to her.

"I'm not leaving until-"

"I think the lady asked you to leave." The man from last night sat down next to Freya's ex. Freya's eyes widened, what was he doing here? His hair looked exactly the same as the night before, soft light curls. He was wearing a black shirt underneath a black suede blazer, the top buttons of his shirt were undone exposing a little of his chest. She noticed his skin looked a little more tanned than last night. Freya appreciated his style, he looked extremely attractive. However with a face like his, he could most likely look good in anything.

Scott stormed off, mumbling under his breath. The man from yesterday glared daggers at him, until Freya spoke up, attracting his attention. "Sorry about that, you didn't have to say anything, I can handle it."

He looked up, noticing how she looked slightly embarrassed. "I'm sure you can, love. But he shouldn't be talking to you."

Freya furrowed her eyebrows together in confusion, he had strong opinions for someone he had only just met. "I have a name you know, it's Freya not love." She states sarcastically, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Freya," He paused, her name was almost as beautiful as her. "I'm Nikolas. But everyone calls me Kol now."

"Nikolas. You look too young to be a Nikolas" She giggled while tucking a brown wave behind her ear, making him raise his eyebrows.

"I'll have you know love, my name suits me very well." He smirked.

"Very well, now what can I get you?" She raised her arms up, waving towards the alcohol behind her. He came to a bar after all, he obviously wanted a drink.

"Bourbon, neat." He stated handing her some money as she reached for a glass and filled it with the brown-amber liquid.

"My favourite." She hummed lowly, more to herself than to Nikolas. He picked up the drink, taking a mouthful and nodded. His lips were plump and a dark pink, she found herself staring a second too long and ripped her gaze from them, focusing back on his green eyes.

"You have good taste then." Nikolas winked, before standing up, throwing the rest back and leaving before she could even reply.

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