Truth of The Heart

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(A/N- just to get some creative juices flowing before I go to archive of our own and continue my solas x reader story there. go find my book on here called "Come With Me" to find a link to that story if you are interested. I thought of this concept after reading so many solas x readers and thinking "they focus a bit too much on the whole "Fen'Harel can't be with his love" thing and not deciding to do an odd spin. so here we are.)

She watched from a distance as the team continued scouting, looking for more rifts. She watched as his eyes would slowly return back to the inquisitor. A beautiful elven woman with long white hair, she knew she could never compete with her. Especially with her grace and strength.

A sigh passed her lips, watching as an adoring smile curled upon his lips. A smile she wish she could receive but knew it impossible. She was a simple elven mage that stumbled on her own feet, could never bring herself to talk over others, and found company in the silence of books and a nice fire to sit by alone.

"Painful, aching, it would never happen, feelings un-returned, one-sided. He's falling for her, yet she takes him for granted." The soft voice of her closest friend said beside her, keeping quiet enough so the others won't hear. He promised he's try his best to do so for her sake. "I want to help..."

"You already do, Cole. You're company is appreciated, and you speak those thoughts that I wish I could say aloud. Taking them off my chest for me, just for a moment." She hummed giving him a kind smile. He returned it with one of his own. A little happy to know he did something to ease the hurt.

"Pah, (Y/N) stop being distracted by Cole. You're making it harder for me to find a rift." The Inquisitor glared. She never liked the (h/c) haired elf, and she never knew why. Most chalked it up to the Inquisitor having something against the mage for her being from the city, as she treats Sera in a slightly similar fashion.

"Sorry, he was easing my worries." The mage woman muttered softly, meek as a rabbit, noticing the predatory glare she got from the other elven woman who was about to speak again.

"Calm down, Boss. Stutter isn't a combat mage and needs to be steady with her emotions, the Kid helps her so she can heal us." Varric said, He always did when the Inquisitor was about to say something nasty to the poor woman. He had a good eye of knowing who was in the wrong in certain situations and knew the Inquisitor was a little too rash at times.

"(Y/N), Are you alright now?" Solas asked, now staring at her curiously. Despite who he admired, he still managed to show concern to the other elven woman. The two were friends as well despite her hatred.

"I am, don't worry about me..." She replied. "Let's continue?"

"It's getting dark anyway, lets head back to skyhold." The Inquisitor said over (Y/N). A twitch of sadness blending into her form as they all turned.

Why did she even come along...


"Don't care, see you later Solas!" The voice of the Inquisitor echoes from downstairs. (Y/n) heard it as she approached the stairs going down. A sigh echoing as the door was heard closing. Her sad (e/c) orbs gazed down knowing full well what had happened.

Often the Inquisitor would ask a few things of what Solas sees in the Fade and if it was getting boring, which to the Inquisitor was most times, she'd turn around and leave. It pained her, knowing one of the things he loved talking the most about was his beloved Fade. A place she was sure he'd love to share with whomever he had fallen for. And yet, the woman his eyes were set upon did not even lend an ear.

"Solas?" Her soft voice echoed lightly, enough to catch the elven male's attention. His eyes met hers for a moment before turning back to his desk. It hurt when he did that.

Truth of The Heart (DAI: Solas X Reader Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now