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𝕠𝕔𝕥𝕠𝕓𝕖𝕣   𝟙 𝟡 𝟡 𝟜
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"nothing hurts more than the letter,
that one never got around to writing"

┌───── ・☆☽・ ─────┐𝕠𝕔𝕥𝕠𝕓𝕖𝕣   𝟙 𝟡 𝟡 𝟜━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━"nothing hurts more than the letter,that one never got around to writing"

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Chère Maman,

Je m'excuse de ne pas avoir écrit depuis un mois!

D'abord, Hogwarts is very different to Beauxbatons (pour commencer il ya des garçons!) However, it's very nice to spend time with Hermione and I get to see her every day!

The classes are also très intéressant and a nice change for the year! Mais, I'm finding that Beauxbatons gives out much more work than Hogwarts . . . and I'm finding myself un peu bored.

At least, they have an amazing library with many advanced books that I can keep myself occupied with.

There are also numerous students from Durmstrang but I haven't seen James yet since I haven't seen any fourth-year Durmstrang students. . . I wonder if his older brother Hayden is here though.

J'espère que grand-mère et grand-père sont bien.

Je t'aime xx
Ta fille,

The Owlery was a circular stone room, which was rather cold and drafty because none of the windows had glass in them. The floor was entirely covered in straw, owl droppings, and the regurgitated skeletons of mice and voles.

Hundreds upon hundreds of owls of every breed imaginable were nestled here on perches that rose right up to the top of the tower, nearly all of them asleep.

Rosalie spotted her midnight owl, Jax, watching her, he was nestled between a barn owl and a tawny, and she quickly hurried over. She placed the baby blue envelope inside Jax's beak, watching carefully as he ruffled his feathers excitedly.

Rosalie turned on her heel watching as Jax flew out of the tower. The constant dreary wet weather had made the concrete steps much of a hazard, something Rosalie hadn't been anticipating when she descended onto the first step.

The young girl's shoes slipped on the wet surface, causing her to fly backwards uncontrollably. Rosalie shut her eyes waiting to collide with the ground.

Yet, the impact never came. Instead, Rosalie landed in the capable arms of a stranger; who steadily carried her to the bottom step.

Rosalie brushed down her dress, feeling her feet return to the ground a comforting reminder, "Thank you," Rosalie breathed, surveying her rescuers appearance.

𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐄,  little malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now