-Down an old rabbit hole Chapter 1-

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Why does this always happen to me? We've already gotten this far in this crazy, why now? I and Felix were stuck between the guards with no-WAIT!!!!! ... we're not at this part of the story yet, sorry, but I'm not spoiling this part anymore, we're gonna start from how I got into this situation. Yeah...we're going all the way to the beginning, here we go.

I woke up feeling worse than I did yesterday. I looked around the room, remembering where I was, In the room where I lived before. When I was 7, My parents got into an accident, they didn't make it. I was put into foster care after that. None of the parents wanted to adopt me, so I kept on going down the list of parents for 3 years, till I got to one couple who wasn't like the other parents I've lived with, they cared about me. 

The other parents I was stuck with were just showing off that they got a kid, for only a short while. I was 11 when Mom and Dad decided to adopt me. The other thing that My parents were different from the others, they had kids already. They told me they were trying for a third but never happened, so that's why they thought about foster care, to find the right kid, and that was me. Their kids were two boys, Chang-Kyun and Jisung.

Chang-Kyun was older than me by 2 years, and Jisung was younger than me by a couple of months. I and Jisung are 15 now and Chang-Kyun is 17. I was happy with them, but I don't feel happy at school. Kids said I'm different because I was born with these blue streaks in my hair and I had (choose any color) eyes. I had to deal with that for a while during my years of school.

The only reason I said that I was at the place I first lived at, It was my old house before my biological parents got into the accident. I got out of daydreaming and head downstairs to the front door with my bag and left the home I'll only see once a month. I got to the car and got in seeing Chang-Kyun at the driver's seat.

Chang-Kyun: "You okay"  

I didn't realize that I started to shed tears in the house.

Jae: "Yeah, It's just hard to accept that they're gone"

I told Chang-Kyun and Jisung about my parents after I moved in with them when I got adopted.

We drove back to the house and got out of the car and walked inside. We walked through the living room and up to our rooms. I had the same room as Jisung, but I'm fine with it. I walked in to see him on the bed reading a book. He looks up to see me and a bright smile appears on his face.

Jisung: "How did it go?" 

Jae: "Same as usual"

He noticed the tone right away.

Jisung: "It's still hard to accept huh?"

Jae: "Yeah" 

Jisung walked over to me and hugged me, knowing how I felt about it.

Jisung: "It's gonna be okay, me and Chang-Kyun are right behind you all the way" 

Chang-Kyun walked in and saw me and Jisung. He walked over and joined in the hug.

Chang-Kyun: "We're all behind you,"   

Chang-Kyun and Jisung have been with me since people started bullying me. I'm happy to have siblings like them. It was the next day, I woke up to my brothers on the floor. Well, Chang-Kyun on the floor and Jisung on the beanbag chair. They're weird.

I got out of bed and went to my closet and put on my flower dress. I carefully walked by Jisung and over Chang-Kyun. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen seeing a note on the table from Mom.

"Hey kids, I left early for work again. Make sure you eat before you leave for anywhere out the house.



I ate breakfast and left the house to go on a walk. I walked over to the park and sat under a cherry blossom tree and watched the scenery 'til I saw someone sitting alone on a bench. I walked over to him and sat down on the bench. He looked over at me confused.

Jae: "Why are you here alone"

???: " I just am"

Jae: "Come on, you can tell me"

???: " I'm-"

He stopped before saying his name while looking down at his watch.

???: "I'm sorry, I got to go"

He got up and ran off. I wanted to know his name so I got up and ran behind him to catch up to him.


I saw him turn onto a trail towards Sagano woods. I ran down the trail to him and once I got to the dead end, he wasn't there.

Jae: "Where did he go?"

I noticed footprints in the dirt. I looked to where it went and lead off the trail. I took a rock and marked the trees I passed so I know where to go back to the trail. I walked the footprints and they stopped at a little hill in the ground.

Jae: "How did he?"

I walked around the hill to see if there's anymore foot prints on the other side. I looked and nothing.

Jae: "Maybe it's an animals footprints"

I turned around and walked over the hill but stopped when feeling something cracking in the distance.

Jae: "Who's there?"

I looked around and saw no one but only to hear the noise coming from under me. I looked down to see a bunch of sticks. I bent down and brushed off the moss and saw that this wasn't ground. I tried my best to get up and get off the hole, but it was too late, I already was in the hole. I fell 'till I felt my head hit something hard.  I heard voices. My eyes were closed from the pain

???: "Who's she"

???: "I don't know, but I know she's not from around here"

???: "How are you sure about that Jihoon"

Jihoon: "I never saw her before Daniel, that's why"

Daniel: "Should we at least take her with us to see if she's okay"

Jihoon: "...Sure...but I won't trust her still if she's not from around here"

Then I couldn't hear anything anymore. I passed out.

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