First Day on Campus

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"Good morning, everyone. My name's Professor Lewis. I'm guessing since you enrolled yourself in my class that you're interested in cultures of the past. Humanities is a very important part of history." The milky chestnut haired woman spoke with a booming voice which filled the lecture hall. "Whatever you learned in high school doesn't apply to this class. Humanities is not your standard history class. So, get your notebooks out and begin taking notes from the slides."

Professor Lewis' lecture didn't last as long as I thought it would, probably because I love the subject. Now it was back to my dorm before another class.

The smell of fresh cut grass filled my nostrils and surrounded me like a cloud. My feet still carried me, but my eyelids seemed to close on their own from the sensation of bliss. Thump.

"Oh, shit. Sorry."

"It's okay. No need to apologize." I looked up to see a tall, blonde man staring at me with forgiving eyes.

"Could I buy you a coffee then? I feel bad for bumping into you like that. I'm usually not that clumsy."

He peered towards the ground and then at his wrist, checking his watch. "Sure. I've got some time."

I outreached my hand for a friendly introduction. "Luna Jenkins."

A warm hand met with mine and I looked up to see an equally warm smile. "Hamish Duke. Nice to meet you."

The cafe on campus was cute and small, brick walls decorated to make the room feel cozy. As soon as I stepped inside, Fleetwood Mac filled my ears from the small speakers in the corner of the room. The baristas were fast at work making coffee. Even though it was nearly noon, college kids were ordering coffee because to them it was breakfast. We finally made it to the front of the line.

"Alright. What do you want?"

"Just a small black coffee. Whatever's cheapest. I'm not picky."

I directed my attention to the barista. "Can I get a large black coffee with cream and sugar, and a medium iced coffee with a caramel drizzle?

"You didn't have to waste your money and get me a large."

"I know, but I treat my friends well. I guess you could say it's my thing." I looked into his eyes and flashed a genuine smile.

"Well, thank you. I really appreciate it. This should keep me awake for a good twelve hours." Hamish grabbed our coffee from the counter and walked to a table.

"So you said that you do a lot of things for your friends?" Hamish took a sip of his coffee before looking back up at me with questioning eyes.

"Yea. Usually if it's their birthday or for no reason at all, I'll bake cookies or cupcakes for them. If I don't feel like baking, then I'll buy a dozen donuts to give to them."

"Sounds like you're a nice person to have around."

"I hope so." I grabbed my iced coffee and messed with the lid out of nervousness.

"Why do you doubt that?" Hamish put his hand over mine.

"I don't know. Doesn't everyone doubt themselves? We all want to mean something to those close to us. I just... I always feel like I'm the only one doing those things."

"Well, I have to go, but don't keep beating yourself up. People have different ways of showing affection." Getting up out of his seat, he winked and carried his coffee with him to the door.

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