Chapter 1

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The first time I met her was on a rainy day. I still remember that day like it all happened yesterday. I was returning to my apartment after an exhausting shift at my part-time job. As I was passing the alley near my apartment, I heard a faint noise. 

Curiosity getting the best of me I walked farther into the alley and that's when I saw her. The moment I laid my eyes on her I knew I had to take her with me. I began approaching her slowly so not to frighten her than she already was because she kept backing away from me thinking I was going to hurt her. 

Not wanting her to be more frightened, I stood rooted to my spot and waited for her to come up to me, taking her own time. After a while, I saw her slowly making her way towards me. I knelt slowly and scooped her up in my arms as gently as I could and walked back to my apartment. 

Seeing her clearly under the light for the first time I fell in love with her instantly. she had the blackest fur with silver streaks peeking out from here and there. She also had the most beautiful eyes, one that was full of hope, mysterious, and innocence. she looked fiery yet, mellow, affectionate and healthy despite her shaggy appearance.

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