Ichchadhari Nagin

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Ichchadhari Nagin - Half human half snake

Naga(male) Nagi (female) is a word which basically refers to a "serpent" or "snake", especially the King cobra .

Ichchadhari Naag (male) or Naagin (female) are mythical cobras in Indian folklore. These creatures would obtain their power by living for 100 years and not biting any living beings. Some of these who are offsprings of a pair from their birth have such power. 

 Nagin are beatuifull-deadly creature. They have a hint of a dappled pattern reminiscent of scales. There eyes have spitted pupil.

 There eyes have spitted pupil

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As the myth goes, when a snake completes 100 years of its life, it is granted with a power to change the shape to human according to its will. The Ichadhari Naag is said to have had the abilities to mask itself to the surroundings & even mimic the behavior of higher order mammals such as human beings. The most curious thing is its unusually high loyalty towards its mating partner. The female companion in turn is known to inflict severe & life threatening injuries on anyone who attempts to harm the male during the mating cycle.

According to legend, the snakes can be controlled using , the musical instrument used by snake charmers. These types of snakes are said to be vengeful and will take revenge on anyone who disturbs them.

They are also great devotees of Lord Shiv. Its said that the first of these creatures was created by Lord Shiv while he came out of the pillar when Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma were fighting on who is superior to whom.

 Its said that the first of these creatures was created by Lord Shiv while he came out of the pillar when Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma were fighting on who is superior to whom

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