Chapter One

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I am fifteen almost sixteen years old. I am five feet four inches with black short hair, dark brown eyes, a small bust and butt, wide hips, a small waste, short legs, I have semi big ears, spaced teeth, cat like eyes, pinkish lips and a miserable life.

Now for my personality, I was fun a loving child growing up, I am not much in body as I said before but yet I had so much in me, so much vigor, energy that sometimes is focused in doing the wrong thing. I have done things I regret and wish with all my heart that I could change, but then again who hasn't. I am a huge fan of reading, since I am now so anti-social I have resorted to books to keep me from going mad from the constant dialogue between me and my own thoughts. I use to be the talkative, funny, and outgoing one in the lot of us (my then friends and I) and not to mention popular. I also use to enjoy singing (from as early as the age of six I was blessed with a beautiful voice however I have long since retired from singing), listening to music and just simple ole hanging out with friends (as said before I am now anti-social so now I have no friends, I have become afraid to express me, the real me my persona is a rather powerful one which at times seem to overwhelm people so I try my best to refrain from social activities.

I am not like most teenagers, but which teenagers are exactly alike. I've done things I haven't dreamt of doing, sometimes I wished I could just wake up from all this. This nightmare, I wished I could just wake up from more than a decade of a bad dream, that someone would just pinch me or shake me so violently I would have no choice but to wake up. I have cried myself to sleep on many occasions not because I have been wronged but I have done wrong. For a long time falling asleep was my safe haven, to escape from the madness around me but my dreams have become polluted by this corrupt world, dry, lonely, empty and so much like the real world. I have disappointed so many people in my life, have wronged so many and hurt twice as much. I've tried to find happiness but I would have had better luck trying to catch a unicorn. I have lost all fear of the future or all consequence of any of my actions. I would often time say to myself "ok it has to be over, it will not last forever, it has to end sooner or later". Sometimes I believe my conscience is dead, as if I have no conscience as if anything that happened is just life and there was and is nothing I could or can do to change it, it's just fate, it was meant to be. I am now left to live life as a mere shell of my former self. To walk around with no emotion or expression on my face, just to breathe, barely eat, just enough to keep me from dieing and just enough for me to suffer. It sometimes gives me the sense of revenging all the pitiful souls out there I have harmed either emotionally or physically. I have recently come to understand why I am this way, why suddenly I have made such a drastic change in my life. It all started when I stopped eating all together in the hope of dieing from starvation, but I never did for weeks not a drop of water or even a single bread crumb, but yet I had never felt stronger. Food didn't bother me I felt hungry but not for food. For something I just couldn't quit name. A strange craving. I remember watching my mother cut a slice of avocado when she cut her finger and her crimson blood just came slowly sliding out onto her finger nail and that's when it happened. I had a strange, strong and uncontrollable urge to jump up from where I was seated and suck every drop of blood from her body leaving her looking like a deflated balloon. Fortunately I didn't, I simply just left the room and went to take a walk. It was getting dark now, nearing evening. The streets were getting scarce; less people roamed its lonely roads and the few who did were either homeless or thugs. I walked down the street in search of something; I had no idea what I was searching for. I was so hungry; I couldn't understand why I was so hungry when I just ate. I had a super natural craving for blood. I couldn't help myself. All I knew was that I needed blood! Fast! For some reason I started running, as fast as I could, I couldn't stop, with tears in my eyes I ran, I ran, I ran, and then finally I came to a halt so abrupt I almost fell. There I saw a cat just sitting. In the speed of a split second I lost all self-control I had left and with a tear stained face I kneelt down beside the cat and took it and to my shock my teeth turned to fangs. As I bit into the cat I realized my teeth were razor sharp they just slid through its skin I felt the warm liquid run down my cheek and into my throat. It was like nothing I had ever tasted. It was rich, smooth and most of all it tasted great. I wanted to stop but I couldn't. I felt my fangs like suction cups draw the life from the animal. When the animal was completely empty I dropped it and only then did I realize that my finger nails were longer than before and looked like claws. They were covered in the blood of the creature I looked disgusting, all I could do was run and hide and that's exactly what I did. Again I was surprised, the speed at which I ran was incredible and not only incredible but impossible. The height at which I jumped was amazing I had never felt so free. For the first in months I felt like a person, I felt happy, I felt free. I didn't feel like the lonely sap I thought I was I didn't even feel like before like Samantha Dewar, the old me, I felt like a new person. That night marked the beginning of my new life it also marked the last time in years to come I saw my mom or my home. At that point I also realised that my life would never be the same. Little did I know how right I was and how drastically my life was about to change.

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