02 | ice cream, you scream

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"Baby, say ahh," he urged, guiding it to her mouth.
She obeyed, parting her red lips and leaning over.

Jiwoo took a bite of her strawberry goodness as she watched her best friends feed each other at the table next to her's. She slowly swirled her spoon around her bowl of melting ice cream, propping an arm up and leaning her cheek on the palm of her hand.

"I know that love is in the air, but I'd like a mask, please," Jiwoo interjected, scrunching up her face in distaste.

Seonmi gave her a look and grabbed the first thing she could find—her limited edition LV handbag—and catapulted it in her direction. Jiwoo swiftly put her arms up in defense, and instead, it bounced off and hit Bogum in the face with a smack.

"Oh my god, are you okay?!" Seonmi exclaimed and held onto her boyfriend's head for dear life.

Jiwoo just laughed.

"This is why we can't have nice things," she said shaking her head with a smile.

She was honestly really happy for the new lovebirds. Ever since Jiwoo met Seonmi and Bogum back in high school, the three of them were inseparable. It wasn't until Jiwoo started noticing the way Seonmi acted around Bogum and the way Bogum would look at Seonmi that things started to change. And that was thanks to Jiwoo who helped them come clean with their feelings.

For the sake of my sailed ship, I'll deal with being the third wheel, she vowed.

"Geez, Seonmi, what do you even keep in that thing?" Bogum winced rubbing his nose. He gently pried her arms off of him after reassuring her that he wasn't suffering head trauma.

"That thing is probably worth more than your existence," Jiwoo chimed in, Bogum's eyes widening, "It also includes all the debit cards that someone really needs to take away from her,"

Seonmi wasn't just rich. She was on a different scale of wealth. In addition to her parents owning one of the biggest media corporations in the world, she herself reigned the title as queen of the youtube beauty community. Every video on her channel brought in hundreds, especially after she launched her own makeup line, Sunny.

Jiwoo could have been living that same life of lavish too considering she came from a family of powerful entrepreneurs. However, she liked her current life of simplicity and living on the down-low.

"Yah, Song Jiwoo. I don't blow through that much money. Retail therapy is just an important part of my daily routine, okay?" Seonmi picked up her bag from the floor and gently set it aside.

"Yes, because spending $500 on a daily basis is totally normal," Jiwoo replied sarcastically.

Seonmi raised her eyebrows at the comment, feeling attacked.

"Stop talking smack. Part of it is because I take you guys out to eat all the time," she reasoned.

"... You're right, but, I mean, who would say no to free food?" Bogum pointed out, glancing at his girlfriend. Jiwoo snickered, blew a kiss to Seonmi and fist-bumped Bogum before getting up to throw away her trash.

"You're both just using me for food aren't you," Seonmi scowled. "Be thankful or else I'm gonna have to start cutting your daily rations," she threatened.

Bogum avoided her glare, discarding their garbage as they both followed suit behind Jiwoo to the exit.

The three set out on the streets, heading in the direction of Jiwoo's hair salon to walk her back after their ice cream break.

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