chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I wipe my gloved hands on my side before I raise a hand to knock, painting at my side, but before I have the chance, the door flies open and Aaron is standing there. I don't register what the yells at the other person in the house, and I freeze at his close proximity.

Suddenly I see fingers snapping in front of me, and I come back to reality. I raise my hands in a jazz-hands position, "I'm here." his frown turns to a smile as the rushes me inside, I barely have time to grab my painting. Once inside I take the chance to look around as Aaron calls for his significant other.

This place was clean, and I mean clean. At least by normal standards. It was about average to me, because I have an insane amount of ocd. Strange coming from and artist. I was kinda impressed, I constantly have to harp on Allen to clean his house, but this place was so pristine, I didn't dare put my painting down.

Aaron then comes from the hallway, followed by, who I'm assuming, is Levi. He is a short -shorter than me- male, with black hair, and a sour face. Who shit in his cereal? I can't help myself from thinking. He's small, but the looks strong. Best not upset him.

I smile and introduce myself. "Hello, I'm one of Aaron's students. Though I guess I classify as a friend."I clutch at my painting, as he looks at me with a look that could melt iron. I wait for a response, but get none, until Aaron prompts him by nudging him with an elbow.

He forces something that resembles a smile, and reluctantly holds out a hand. "I'm Eren's boyfriend." I widen my eyes. Eren, is that how you say his name? I've been mispronouncing his name?

"Eren?" I turn to look at the offending male. "Why didn't you tell me I was pronouncing it wrong?" he looks a bit sheepish, but first nods at the other males extended hand. "Sorry, I don't like shaking hands, the names Orion King."

He gives the slightest hint of a smile. "Neither do I. My name is Levi. Now brat," he turns to Eren, "why didn't you correct her on how you say your name?"

Eren shrugs with a look of embarrassment. "I didn't want her to think I was picking on her because of her differences. I saw that she got bullied quite often, although the rest of the faculty didn't believe me, so I took a vow to be as nice as possible. I thought it would be rude. Besides after a year you get used to it."

I just nod, and hold up my art piece, which was covered by a sheet. "Guess what I brought?" an excited look crosses Eren's face. He rushes me into the living room, and looks at me expectantly. With a sigh, I reach up and pull the sheet off.

In the middle was a girl. Though she looked mangled, and dirty, she had a look of determined rage on her face. Her hair was tangled, filthy, like she hadn't bathed in several weeks. She wore a simple shirt, so large on her it was a dress, that looked like once upon a time, it was white. Her arms and legs were covered in scratches, and scrapes. Scares, new and old, mangled her body. The worst of them, was a large scar covering her hand, in the shape of a cross.

The right side of her face was covered in blood,as well as her left hand, and tears were streaming down both cheeks. Surrounding her were shadows, some in the form of people, some in the form of animals. If you look close enough you can see a faint golden glow coming from the bloodied side of her face, right where her eye would be.

I hear a gasp from Eren, and looking over Levi had a look of interest on his face, with a look of recognition in his eyes. Levi hums a bit, then speaks. "It's beautiful, and it shows a lot of truth. How did you paint this? Is the girl someone you know?"

The question shocked me. The was right, I did know the girl. Very well in fact. I shrink in on myself a bit, reaching up to touch my mask out of reflex. I hid my right hand behind my back. "It's you." he says simply.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2019 ⏰

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