Near death

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The sun was setting. The sand was cold under my bare feet. It was raining, pouring down. I run along the shore clearing my mind, following the dying light. The ground was wet and hard. I trip over a seashell. A wave consumes me and pulls me under. I scream for help but a rumbles of thunder drowns it out. I close my emerald eyes. Was this the end? I get thrown around underwater like a rag doll. I try and hold my breath. I reach my slender pale hand out of the water. I grasp nothing and I hit a rock. I grunt in pain. My head goes above the water. I gasp for air. Rain hits me like a knife. My black hair sticks to my forehead. My fragile body gets thrown onto the shore. My white gown sticks to all my curves. I open my emerald eyes and I pant. Water streams out of my mouth. My lungs fill with air once more. I curl up into a ball and wait for the storm to pass. Terrified and exhausted, I fall asleep.

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