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You're brave and beautiful wish I could touch you.

I walked up to Ashers porch. I waited a few minutes before knocking. When I did Asher's mom appeared.
“Is Asher here?”  I awkwardly asked.
“He left and told me he'd be at the dock.” His mom answered questionably shrugging her shoulders.
“Thank you.” I said and drove to the only dock in town.

I assumed his family didn't have a boat so I walked straight to the end of the dock. With no surprise he was sitting there strumming his guitar and singing to the fish.
“Hey little fishies.” He sang but I'm sure all the fish wanted was food. “You'll probably be dead soon. All the fishers will be out, eating ya’ll.”
“Do you have any bread?” I asked.
Asher turned around and looked at my face. He was frowning. “No.”
“Can I sit?”
Asher nodded.
“I'm sorry if I upset you. Or was it Johnny?”
“Johnny.” Asher replied. “But these are the things that people will say to you because of me.”
“I don't care...I dont care as long as I'm with you.”
Asher looked at me. I looked back. His eyes were sparkling. Butterflies filled my stomach and I started blushing.
“You're blushing.” Asher said.
“I'm sorry.” I turned away and rubbed my cheeks. “I can't control it.”
He used his hand to turn my head. His head got closer to mine and our lips met.
I pulled away. “Are we okay?” I asked.
“Yea.” Asher whispered.
“will you come to the party with me?”
“No.” He subtly declined.
I tried.
I stood up and reached for his hand. He took it and we walked back to his house.

“I forgot how nice your house was.” I said as we walked up to it.
“Me too.” Asher smirked. “But my mom and brother are home so we can't be loud. they don't know I have a girlfriend and I plan to keep it that way.”
“Why don't you want them to know?” I asked.
“I'm not really allowed to have one.”
“Are your parents the type of parents that want you to be a virgin till you're out of college?”
“Yes.” Asher breathed. “They think I'm a good boy.”
I laughed.
Asher put a finger up to his mouth telling me to be quiet. He opened the door and yelled “mom”.
When no one answered we walked upstairs and into his room.
His room was nicely organized and clean.
“When do you have time to clean your room like this?” I asked.
“I don't my mom does it. She cleans everyone's room. I tell her not to clean it but if she didn't it'd be really bad.”
“Honestly same.”
I saw some pictures on his wall and went to look at them.
“Those are nothing. Just some pictures.”
I saw one of him at a pool party with maybe his cousins. There was another one with him on stage with a guitar singing.
“You actually perform?”
“Yea but mostly for family and church.”
“Can you sing for me right now?”
Asher grabbed his guitar and started playing.
He sang Sunflower by Rex Orange County.
I silently clapped trying not to create any suspicious noise.
“That was beautiful.”
“You're beautiful.” He said. “You're perfect.”
I put my hand on his shoulder. He put a hand on my leg. I reached up and put my other  hand on his cheek. “I want all of you.”
I pulled him in for kiss.
I'm sure we all know what happens next so I'll just skip all that ;)
“Asher?!” I shot my head up.
“Crap.” Asher said.
“Your mom.” I said when it was kinda obvious.
I quickly put on my clothes and hid away from the door.
Asher put on his boxers and a shirt and opened the door.
“Why don't you have clothes on? Is there a girl in there?” I heard her say.
“No. I'm was just taking a nap.” Asher lied.
“Okay well I need to put your laundry away.”
I started panicking. I don't want Asher to get in trouble. I looked at the bed but it was too small to fit under. His closet was also too small. I just had to hope she didn't come in.
“I can do that myself.”
“Well the way you do it gives me anxiety so it's better if I do it now instead of later.”
“That's really unnecessary.”
“Just let me in.”
“I can't let you do that.”
“Why?” She asked.
Asher didn't answer except she pushed passed him and walked into the room.
She saw me and her face turned very angry.

A/N I've been rly sick sorry but enjoy this long chapter:)

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