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Draco's pov
I ran through the halls holding the key made of quartz it was like mine but it was a blank it held nothing Layla made a few and gave them to me to keep safe I smile as I remember but knowing that her oldest and only son was siting in a hospital bed being cut at made me frown and I rushed quicker to the room a few nurses try to stop me but they let me go when the whites in my eyes go black and I tell them what I'm doing I make it in there to see a few doctors walking away "what happens where's laxus!" I say they frown "we've done all we can do for now , hes currently stable but we're not sure how long that will last " one days looking down sadly I feel rage bubbles up inside me "YOUR JUST GOING TO LET HIM DIE " I scream demonically and they back away and a cocky doctor says "what are you gonna do about it " I push him to the ground and feel my claws rip threw my gloves he looks terrified I back away not wanting to waste my time on him I need to waste it on helping laxus I walk away and run into laxus room key in hand I look at laxus what to do what to do the I realize something the doctor try to stop me but I glare "I know what I'm doing " I say and they back off but a kind female doctor walks up and smiles at me "if your going to help let's not get your cloths dirty " she says I nod not wanting to mess with my clothing after I change I look at laxus at carefully cut at his scar and remove a small chip of the lacrima but replace it with a small chip of quartz and the lacrima in his eye and the quartz fuse then me and the female doctor stitch him back up and she looks at me and watches as I carefully pick up the lacrima price from his eye and put I onto the key and they fuse and a yellow lacrima dragon appears on the handle of the key "is he a spirit " she asks I shake my head no "just part spirit " I say and then his heart beat stops I smile and she smiles as well and doctors run in"YOU KILLED HIM!!" They scream and I watch as laxus grabs his head in pain and sit up "who the hell did I kill this time?" He asks and I luagh they looked shocked then he sees the key he tries to touch it but pulls away hissing then he seams to catch on then he smirks at the doctor shocked expressions then looks at me "you scared me huh dragon boy?" He asks I smirk "for your mom not you asshat "I say and we both luagh the doctor smiles and he gets up but winces "all the pain won't be gone yet so try to take it easy " I say then I hear a smash I look behind me to see atlas a few doctors grabbing at his arms "DONT TOUCH ME!!" He screams and laxus and him make eye contact "YOU LITTLE SHIT I TOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD" Atlas screams pushing the doctors off him and running up to laxus and hugging him I pick up the key it wasn't mine so it didn't sting I walked out and to Lucy and give it to her "what is this who's key is this??" She asks wiping the tears out of her eyes "I saved laxus but he's part spirit I think you should have his key " I say and I watch a smile spear on her face and she hugs me whispering a soft "thank you"

Laxus POV

The doctors finally left I smile and rub his back trying to calm him down he cry's sobbing then he looks up and punches my arm then goes back to crying mumbling "that's what you get for trying to kill yourself " he mumbles into my chest I chuckle as he lays on me I pull the blanket over me and him moving us so he's beside me I feel his breathing slow down and I feel him fall asleep I smile and pull him closer and lovingly kiss his head that was a stupid move laxus damn it i thought I killed you you couldn't kill me laxus not today not ever I sigh grumpily and hear a tired groan from atlas "sorry go back to sleep " I say and he lets out another tired groan and goes back to sleep I can't believe you care for such a stupid being he is not stupid he is  strong independent smart and Beautiful and I never have and never will hurt him or Lucy hear me you sick fuck yes I can laxus I think you need to understand I really am trying to help you no your trying to help me your using me as a pawn to your stupid game but guess what I don't play games so here's my advice FUCK OFF before I find you and make you feel the pain you gave my loved ones I don't know what your talking about laxus? Oh shut up I already figured out it was you who tried to get grey to attack Lucy how?! Well you seem to hate my sister and grey usually doesn't act like that much of a asshole so it was just obvious  laxus I could give you more power then you could ever dream of good for you I don't care if you ever try to hurt my sister or any of my loved ones i can and will find you fine but I'll be back soon laxus and you won't ignore me then yeah yeah shut up you price of crap

Bixlows POV(surprise!)
I was on a train to a town where Lucy apparently opens her own guild see after Lucy and laxus left me evergreen and freed left we had nothing to do so why stay I was reading a magazine that ever green had just shoved in my face "laxus dryer attempted suicide " I read aloud and freed looks shocked "oh damn didn't expect that" I say that and freed is freaking out I luagh at him "he's probably fine " I say rolling my eyes at his actions "he's laxus the leader of the thunder legion plus he probaly has his reasons" I say petting my baby's head freed stops "your right ...BUT WHAT IF HEA NOT " he screams and I sigh and evergreen rolls her eyes dine with crap like me the train stopped we grabbed Are stuff then bought a ticket to where Lucy was when we got in I saw grey I was about to attack him but he saw me and sighed he was talking to some white haired boy he walked over "I know you want to beat the crap out of me but listen i wasn't thinking right and some dumbass voice was telling me things so punch me kick me I don't care just tell Lucy I'm sorry ok" he says and I sighs "I'm not gonna murder you beacuse i don't want your boyfriend to judge you" I say he smiles "thanks bixlow " he says and I sigh getting on the train to start Are way to the town this was gonna be a long ride

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