Khnum, Thoth, and Anubis

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"You said in Japanese."

As they left the car to stretch their legs and get a drink in the town, it seemed that being carried everywhere by Kakyoin was a thing and he mussed with the fur on your belly as he walked. Polnareff flicked his cigarette to choose the cafe just like he would have typically and an unhappy mewl unconsciously reverberated. You weren't sure how you'd fight these two, anything you'd do would be in the book too.

Although they were off-put by your complaint, they went to the cafe anyway since you didn't say anything. You chuckled inwardly a little about how Kakyoin squished the cigarette butt; would things play out differently now that he was here? It did not, well- except for you. A low rumbling growl would escape you every time Khnum came close, which seemed to make him increasingly nervous.

When the tea was served, you couldn't help yourself anymore. You knew that everyone else spat out the tea, but was Kakyoin too proper to do that? You reached your paw out and tipped the cup over, hot poisoned tea split all over the table, and that was all the hint they needed to apprehend their waiter. They might have been waiting for a proper warning from you, which couldn't come in words because you wanted Dio to know as little as possible. Enigmatic kitty cat, it'd be best if he didn't learn of you at all.

Even though you couldn't maim in the middle of town, the crusaders got away with it just fine... even if it might have been because it was during the confusion that Iggy caused by stealing cake. What really surprised you was that Khnum groaned "There shouldn't have been a cat!" as he was beaten. You felt like that was particularly eerie, but let it go as you left to herd Iggy back to the group. You mewled at him about how there was more cake and he seemed to have understood since he went willingly.

The enemy's face had reverted back to normal when you'd returned to the cafe and you found a warm slice of pie. Iggy didn't need to run away, everyone had already fled and there wasn't even a shopkeeper to anger, it was okay to leisurely abuse the cafe. In the end, it wasn't that you hadn't started to feel hungry too, but the thought that this food would be dangerous for you. There wasn't anything served here that could satisfy a carnivore like you, especially with the refrigeration being busted. You lapped at clean lukewarm water that had been left abandoned on one of the tables. At least you wouldn't be thirsty.

Was this really okay though? Without getting any proper information from the captured half of the clueless duo, to just leave him there? Maybe it was fine. You already knew what he smelled like, regardless of what he looked like.

Somehow ditching the car and riding a boat down the Nile wasn't something you paid much attention to being a thing, but it was definitely a thing.

You looked down at the water and your tail flicked back and forth as you thought irritably about the fish that were undoubtedly there. "Food." Maftet voiced your inner thoughts and stared at the water along with you, before you had her strike out at a nearby fish, rending it in half. Your ears folded down as the boat drifted away from the rather sizable mauled creature, you were uncertain of if you could have Maftet retrieve it. How would she get back on the boat if she jumped into the water?

Amidst your frustration, Hierophant's tentacles pulled your prey up from the water and brought it onto the boat as Kakyoin's hand plopped softly on your head and stroked in between your ears "Hungry?". You bit into the fresh fish before "Thank you.", you replied with your mouth full. You hadn't had fish before in this lifetime, but it was absolutely divine. Ever more divine as a gentle hand stroked down your back as you held the fish against the boat, licking and nibbling until it was nothing but the thin annoying bones left and some intestines that you decided against consuming.

Being with the crusaders didn't change the urge to clean up after a meal, it was more instinctual than you gave it credit for. You started with something that was akin to licking your lips, clearing away most of the fish from your face before cleaning your paws. Meticulously nibbling and licking your fur clean; complete with pawing the smell from your face in traditional cat fashion.

Finally done, you found yourself the center of more attention than you expected and your ears twitched in surprise. It wasn't that you didn't hear them coming, you just didn't expect them to be watching you. Especially not so quietly. "Are we sure she isn't just a cat?" Polnareff broke the verbal silence, his words covering the gentle crashing of water on the boat, and your tail thumped audibly against the floor. Just a cat? Come on Pol-pol, not even Iggy is 'just a dog'. You leapt gracefully into Kakyoin's lap and rolled up into a ball. Polnareff means no harm and you couldn't possibly be irritated while snuggling with your special person, his hand gently playing with your fur.

"Not only is Maftet a cheetah, she's a cheetah goddess that only serves the Pharaoh." Avdol started off thoughtful, but amusement stained his voice "Might I get a closer look at the goddess, Pharaoh Kakyoin?". You opened your eyes and stared at Avdol. He said it, he actually said it. You'd seen this kind of thing coming, but you didn't actually think any of them would actually say it out loud.


Cheesy or not, you were getting sleepy and unwilling to make a decision. Your 'Pharaoh' would have to decide. Stretching out in his lap, you rolled onto your back and closed your eyes again with your belly exposed.

Cheetahs though, unfortunately, are light sleepers. You had micro-sleeps between pets and scritches, purring softly at being doted on so heavily but never got to get any proper rest until the boat docked and Kakyoin carried you away. Droning out the bustling crowd by listening intently to the soft beating of his heart with your head pressed right up against his firm chest brought you into a proper stupor and you slept though until everyone was at a new hotel.

You woke while they were discussing about what to do with a sword and... damn they really were just going to give the sword an alleged stand user was wielding away to the regular authorities. "Idiot." It was somewhat unintentional, but everyone properly stopped in their tracks "Look. Anubis. Scary.". Of course though, Polnareff disputed "I already defeated Anubis, that over there is just a sword." while preening his hair.

You jumped down off the bed and padded closer to the sword "No. Look. Anubis.", evidently they were already used to your broken speech and the mood of the room got incredibly tense. Maftet's claws came out and you had her slice down the sword lengthwise, all the way down to the tip- would the edges cut through your claws?

Anubis was obviously pretending to be a normal sword, it needed someone to wield it. As it was, it could still cause harm. As long as you didn't touch the edge, it shouldn't hurt you so... From the inside cut, you started to section the blade into pieces. If you cut it small enough, it could be put into a bag and dropped into the Nile. Of course you wanted to deposit it into the Nile, that was it's fate right?

Towards the base of the sword, Anubis' act started to fall apart. It was still weird. An object was begging and pleading, but you kept going- probably appearing more cold hearted and cruel with every cut. It was necessary of course- Maybe aside from Hol Horse, everyone under Dio was eerily loyal.

Eventually, Anubis was nothing more than a pile of sharp metal scraps and a broken handle... Now what? You yawned and began to lick your paws "Nile... maybe...", before curling up into a ball. Could this perhaps have been accumulated fatigue? Avdol's chuckles elevated into laughter and a couple other sounds of amusement came from around the room, but you could no longer be bothered. They couldn't possibly get in any more trouble while you slept- what was the space between dangerous encounters anyway? This is too frequent.

Hands scooped you up from the floor and laid down on the nearest bed, with you pulled in close. This smell... was definitely Kakyoin. If this was to be the sleeping arrangement- you approved.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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