where the stars meet

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"Jisung, Minho. I'm glad I've got you guys here today, as you two may or may not know, Minho has failing grades and I know you can do better Minho. So, Jisung, you are to help him become a better student before Minho gets expelled from school," the teacher looked them dead in the eye, but spoke softly and gently, only hoping that her soft, melodic voice didn't go through one ear to the other ear.

"Yes, miss," Jisung replied as he could never turn down any favour of the teachers's. Whereas, Minho was shifting between one foot to another, anxious and scared because he wasn't a great student, but he once was.

The knowledge he had held in his brain before was still there but with the mindset that tells him that he'll always fail, he believed it.

Minho wasn't great at home; he was always picking up the leftover pieces of glass and wiping the blood of his hands, but no one ever had to know that, and that was confidencial knowledge that I shared.

"Y-y-yes miss, I'll gladly d-d-do it," Minho shakily replied, nodding like crazy as he watched, with his empty eyes, the teacher grin from ear to ear.

"That's great news! Now, it's up to you when or how you guys help each other but I think you could learn lots from each other," the teacher excitedly exclaimed, clasping her hands together for a more, unneeded, dramatic effect only to know that it wasn't dramatic and made her look like a fool.

"Right, right, you two can go now," the teacher sighed, just as they went out of the classroom together. She was trying to help, but she felt like she couldn't. It was a constant feeling that her hardworking wasn't hard enough, so she was working too much. This made her life a blooming, yet a mess of work and more work and more work.

Jisung looked at Minho and examined the other boy's face. The other boy, Minho, had such cute eyes with amazing shaped lips with cute, slightly chubby cheeks but he had a jawline that could cut and charisma like the god of the gods.

Jisung had realised that as he walked down with him, that Minho seemed to have a habit of playing with his fingers when he was anxious or breathing in for three and out for seven but Jisung took no further notice. He had thought that the reasons behind this was private and so he kept his mouth shut, that was a good idea Jisung.

Jisung felt insecure next to the beautiful and handsome boy, who also had charisma like no other boy around him, he felt like he wasn't beautiful enough. He felt like his cheeks were too chubby, or his eyes were too small or his teeth were too crooked and he wished he could just look into the mirror of the bathroom and change himself completely. He knew he was irrational and it was a terrible idea, but he had only wished but it wouldn't come true. He only swore that the world hated him more than he hated himself, but he (at the same time) loved himself and wasn't very insecure. He only insecure next to him, and he blamed it all on him.

It felt like hours until Minho realised there was a boy to the name of, Jisung, was trailing behind him.

"Hey, Jisung. Here's my number, just text when we should meet up or something," Minho abruptly stopped, making Jisung bang into him as he had never realised.

A sharp pain exploded in his back and it was the result of getting his back banged on the wall more than ever needed or how his back was pressed against a wall for too long, way too long. But he hid it all behind the mask he kept up and smiled (and giggled).

"U-um, yeah sure. My number is xxx-xxx-xxx, no that wrong change that number to 9. Yeah, yeha that's right, yours?" Jisung replied (and asked), as he told Minho his number he realised a strange factor about him, his fingers always shook when they were pressed to hard to the phone but he didn't analyse it.

Minho took Jisung's phone and typed it in; he couldn't take the risk of saying his phone number out loud, just in case they heard.

Minho smiled and gave Jisung his phone back. And look at him.

"Should we start today, of course if you're interested and free today?"" Minho asked Jisung with a hopeful look on his face that melted Jisung's already whipped heart.

"U-u-um sure, right after school? Meet me by the lockers or something," Jisung replied as he was staring too intensely at the other boy.

"Okay, sure. And isn't it lunchtime? Shouldn't you be with your ridiculously large, 7 member friend group (including Jisung)?" Minho asked as he look into Jisung's sparkling eyes.

"Oh shoot, yeah I am, anyway I'll see you after school, bye!" Jisung exclaimed as he waved and then ran down the busy corridor of the school.

He was too out of breath when he reached the roof of the building, slowly opening the door to see his friends with disappointed looks on their faces.

"I thought you'd never make it. Or maybe even ditch us. And holy moly, would that be the best day of my life! But you're here now," Seungmin sassily exclaimed as he was swinging on his chair. Yes, he was swinging in his chair and was on a roof, what a brave man.

"Excuse me, me, ditch you guys, never," Jisung replied with, sitting on his side the friendship table and smiled shyly as he thought of that boy he was going to help this evening.

"So, why are you smiling like you got a boyfriend?" Chan (his other other father) asked him, nudging him with his side at the same time.

"Well, I met this really cute boy and I'm going to have to help him this evening with work and such and I can't do it because I'm  hyperventilating. I chat believe I'm doing this, I can't believe I agreed, because damn I'm whipped what the fudge," Jisung replied quickly, stumbling over words and phrases as he breathed in and out (to stay alive of course).

They all laughed and slowly the laughter died down to a comfortable silence that they could deal with.

But then, the chose started again. They were singing, shouting, they were dancing and laughing around.

Minho, wished he could have a friend, and little did he know he already and one.

-- --

"Hey, Minho. It's time to go, hello? Hello? Hey? Earth to Minho!" Jisung exclaimed as Minho just stared ahead.

"Oh, hi Jisung. Come on let's go," Minho replied with a cheery tone, but Jisung realised that Minho looked pale and his voice was less melodic but raspy and had a hurt tone.

But Jisung thought it wouldn't be the end of the world, but he definitely noticed.

-- --

They and decided to go to Jisung's house and just as they arrived and opened the door, a loud clanging and chaotic family stared at them.

"Hey guys," the (expected) mother greeted as she looked at the new boy carefully and intensely, "you can call my Ms. Han. You two can go upstairs and talk as I make the dinner. And remember, behave."

They nodded and ran upstairs, well Minho slightly limped but he hid it well.

-- --

It was quickly ten pm and as Minho was ready to go, he stared out the window and mentioned, "When you feel alone, you can meet the stars. You can count on them for never leaving you, you could even name them or count them as you go to sleep. You'd never be alone as you can choose where the stars meet. Anyway, goodbye."

Jisung had the melodic and harmonic thought in his head and smiled to bed, having a nice dream and a nice night's rest.

failing grades // minsungWhere stories live. Discover now