Together PT.10

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You drifted your attention towards the sound coming from your front door. Leaving the book you were reading a side, you walked towards the door with your bare feet pressing against the cold wood floor. You didn't know who could be the person outside your door. Maybe it was just someone who mistook your apartment number with someone else's. It had happened a few times already.

You stopped in front of your door, and before doing anything else, you tried to see who it was from the peephole. And just when the eye you were using caught the sight of the deep brown eyes you were so familiarized with and then the whole features you were longing to see since a while, your breath trapped inside your throat and a knot formed inside your stomach.

You weren't waiting for him anymore.

"(Name)..." You heard him whisper, but you answered with the same he had answered you all those times when you had tried calling for him and making him open the door: Silence.

He appeared now? After two weeks? You couldn't be serious. You had been two weeks waiting for his arrival, for his answer, but he never came. You had been dying because of the doubt, of the fear and just when you had lost all your hopes, he decides to appear from nowhere and make you open the door? No. You couldn't be that easy.

"(Name)..." You heard him whisper one more time, but now his voice sounded rather different. A different you didn't like. And again, you refused to open the door for him: Silence.

"Please, (Name), open the door..." He whispered again, and now you could determine what the difference in his voice was; he sounded badly hurt. When you heard him say it so softly and painfully, your heart squeezed and couldn't refuse anymore, opening the door slowly for him. Why were you always so weak when it comes to him and his feelings?

Immediately you opened the door you gave some steps backward, making sure there was a good distance between the two of you when he stepped inside and closed the door behind him.

There was the man you loved so much, and the same one who had hurt you badly. The same man you had been dying to see, to touch, to kiss... The same man you wanted to feel. Feel his prescience, his touch, his kiss, his scent, his love. You wanted to feel him all this time and all he had done was ignore you. You felt totally hurt by it.

A lonely and silent tear left your eye, while you looked down at the floor. You had let him in, but you didn't want to see his face.

However, Yoongi didn't miss that lonely tear.

"(Name)." He said, taking a step forward towards you, to try and wrap his arms around your body, the way he had wanted to do all this time. But you took another step back, refusing to let him go any nearer towards you. The young man frowned at this, and his chest had that tight feeling again.

"(Name)?" He took another step forward, while you gave another one backwards. Even if you were happy to see him here, you were still hurt by what he had done and said, and you weren't going to just let him in and have control of the whole situation, the way you had always done.

You looked up a little, just enough to catch his face looking down at you. Your heart fell. Why? Because his face was covered with hurt. And being honest, seeing him hurt scared you ten times more than seeing him angry. You only hated seeing him hurt.

You were hurting him indeed and you didn't like that feeling. He hurting you? You could bare with it, but you hurting him? No. That was just unacceptable.

Yoongi didn't want to give up, so he took another step forward towards your figure. This time you didn't take a step backward, letting him step a little closer than he was. He was still a few feet away from you, so he kept walking slowly towards you. You hadn't moved from where you were standing, waiting for him to close the distance you had built between the two of you.

A sudden warm feeling. All over you. Your head buried in his chest, your hands clenched at the edge of his jacket and your body so close to his you thought you were just dreaming and that this would disappear when you wake up in the morning. Your tears didn't stop, they just flowed even more when you felt Yoongi's arms around you.

Yoongi loved the feeling of having you between his arms once again. The scent of your hair, the smoothness of your skin and the warmth of your tiny body. He was glad to have you again, to have his beloved girlfriend again. Then he almost cried when he felt your arms wrap around his waist, he hadn't expected you to do so. His grip tightened, pressing you the closer he could against himself. And fortunately for him, he felt your little smile form. He felt complete now.

"I'm sorry." Yoongi said against your head. You shook your head against his chest as if saying 'no', but he wanted to apologize for the wrong he had done. "No (Name). I'm sorry for doubting about you, I'm sorry for treating you that way, for jumping to conclusions without analyzing things and for disrespecting you by saying that thing about... Jimin." The last one was the one that made him feel very uncomfortable and guilty. How could have he said such a thing? He swallowed, and licked his lips before proceeding. "I won't give you stupid excuses as jealousy or nothing like that. I know I did wrong and I'm not proud of it, because I hurt you. I'm sorry..." You shook your head against his chest again.

"I contributed with that somehow. I wasn't giving you enough attention, because I thought you were too busy or tired, so I recurred to Namjoon to see how you were and how you were doing, but I guess I couldn't control the increment in that. Plus, I never told you anything, which was the first thing I was supposed to do." You finished, not getting your face away from Yoongi's warm, bumping chest.

Yoongi's grip loosened and he slowly pulled away, putting his fingers under your chin. You lifted your head up with his signal and looked back at his eyes with your watery ones. He leaned forward really slowly, tilting his head slightly to the side. Your eyes watched his moves and just let him.

His lips met yours, his hand snaking to your cheek and the other resting on your hip, gently pulling you closer to him. It had been so much since you two had kissed that you thought it would be a little too exaggerated, but Yoongi never did it that way. His lips moved slowly against yours, just as if he kissed you too harshly you could disappear in any moment.

Your arms made their way up to his neck unconsciously, pulling him closer toward you, pressing against him. It was just like one of those kisses you would share once in a while, but this one felt different. It was like re-bounding, like re-connecting with one another. Healing one another from the mutual pain you both had caused. You accepted your mistakes, he accepted his and now everything had been thrown aside or maybe should we say, thrown out the window.

Your lips parted to catch some air and a genuine smile appeared on his soft features. "Let's have it." You frowned a little, not understanding the sudden comment. "Let's have our baby. Let's be parents, (Name). Together. "Your eyes widened and a sudden overwhelming happiness came to you.

"Ahhhhh!" You screamed in pure happiness, jumping on him as he caught you while laughing. Your arms locked around his neck and your legs around his waist as he spun you around, hugging you back. "Yoongi!" You grabbed both sides of face and planted a kiss on his lips, laughing the second after you pulled away.

Words couldn't describe the happiness you were feeling at the moment, and neither for Yoongi.

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