the shadow man

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Okay, this one was quite recent.

I was in a psychiatric clinic (triggering reasons) and my roommate, Neva, had just been discharged. I moved from the bed on the one side of the room to the other bed. There were no clocks in the room and we weren't allowed watches, so I have no idea what time it was at... But I woke up sometime at night and glanced over by the bathroom. There was a displaced shadow-man standing there. Me being me, I panicked and stared...and stared...and stared some more. I eventually turned on the bright bedside light and saw nobody. The nurses would come in and check on us, but the movement would've triggered the motion sensor bathroom light. I shook it off and turned off the light. The area was clear. I could see into the bathroom, where as, with the Shadow Man there, I couldn't. I fell asleep again. The next morning, I woke up with a long ish scar on my inner thigh. I couldn't have done that, since my nails are short and I'm a nail bitter. I told my friend and she said the first night she was there, she saw a shadow man smiling at her when she woke up.

Any ideas what the fluff that was?

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