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niallhoran we're just chillin! @ashtonirwin <— he's also the drummer of our US opening act 5Seconds of Summer!!

5sos 🤘🏻🤘🏻
amber_officyall can't wait to visit you on tour again. I'm dying to meet 5SOS.
Tmh_directioner omfgg I'm seeing you guys tomorrow night and I CANT
1derfull_hnllz he's cuteee
niall.lover.real_ I want to come with ya on tour but I cant😢
niallhoran^^^ why not?
niall.lover.real^^ because unlike some really famous guy in a boyband we still have to finish our school year
niallhoran^^ sorry I forgot
niall.lover.real^ it's ok. Read the group dm they're chatting about it there.
niallhoran ^ oki
larryisreall oh my god they have a group chat!!!! I wonder what they talk about
harrystyles^ you don't want to know darling
larryisreall^ omfg he replied!!! Asdfghjkl

DM Groupchat

harrystyles come over on tour girls. 5SOS want to meet you and we miss you☹️
amber_officyall how many times to I have to tell you that we first need to finish this school year?!
louist91 drop out like we did
amber_officyall we can't Louis
louist91 why not
amber_officyall we're in our exams Lou. We need to finish them before we graduate and can finally come on tour with y'all
liampayne why didn't you tell you're in your exams?
amber_officyall I don't know tbh
liampayne good luck!!!
louist91 OMG good luck gurllss👍🏻👍🏻😂
harrystyles you'll do great, the both of you. Good luck!!👍🏻👍🏻
zaynmalik good luck! Keep us updated
niallhoran omg why didn't you tell this. Good luck!!
niall.lover.real_ thanks guys. We'll keep you updated.
amber_officyall And I one or two weeks or so we have may holiday so maybe we can visit then?
louist91 omg yass do that
niall.lover.real_ we'll send you the details of when we'll be able to come over.
harrystyles does anyone else find it rather funny that Ilona's username is still @niall.lover.real_  even tho she has known us now for like 2 years?
liampayne now you say it🤔😂
amber_officyall it is😂😂
niallhoran I think it's cute😂
niall.lover.real_ well thanks guys🙄 at least Niall thinks it's okay
amber_officyall aw sorry darling, you know I was joking❤️
niall.lover.real_ I know❤️
amber_officyall anyways we need to continue studying, so byee
harrystyles byee
liampayne byee Good luck👍🏻
niallhoran talk to ya later
louist91 y'all better FaceTime us tonight
niall.lover.real_ we will

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