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^^^^^thats my fanfic Instagram account😉
Go follow and I'll follow back💜@loving._.blesiv_

The next day you wake up and slip Through Alex's arms and try not to wake him up. You check the time and it's 6:45.

Y-damn why did I wake up so early
You check the am or pm and its ... 6:45PM

Y-Alex get up
A-no I don't wanna get up
Y-well I guess we don't have to because we slept all day
A-what time is it
A-shit well ig im hungry wanna go eat
Y-yea let's go to McDonald's
A-fine but next time we're getting Chick-fil-A
Y-ok let's go

You guys don't change what so ever and just go through the drive through.
Drive-through lady= DL
DL-hi welcome *blah blah blah blah*
Y-yes can I have a 20 piece chicken nugget,large fry and a Oreo mc flurry.
DL-anything else
A-can I have just a cheese burger with a medium fry and a large coke
DL-ofc please pull up to the first window that total is $10.29
A&y-thank you
You pull up pay get your food and go home. When you get home you eat so fast your stomach hurts.
Y-baby can you get me some ginger ale from the fridge
Alex gets it for you and you drink it in little sips.
A-hey you ok
Y-yea just tired
Y-and hungry
Y-for you
Alex bites his lip and starts kissing your neck leaving hickeys. You take off your shirt and so does Alex. But then you get a text from...
Diego texted you. Diego=d

D-hey y/n I wanna talk to you
Y-about what it's late
Y-we broke up 2 years ago then I got with Gio and you know what happened
D-yea but I feel like we can work things out
Y-DIEGO it's been 2 years I don't even remember half the shit we talked about
D-well I gtg I'll text you
End of text
A-who was that
Y-my ex from like 2 years ago
A-what he want
Y-to work things out but there's no point because he cheated on me with this destiny girl and because I have you now
A-damn right
Y-hahha *blush*
A-awww your so cute when you blush
You laugh and lay on the couch together.
(Apov-I feel like this is gonna last and I hope it does I don't want to see y/n hurt-end of pov)
Y-imma go to the bathroom
A-okay baby
You go to the bathroom and Alex gets a call... you listen in.
A-hey it's working
??-she going to be heart broken
A-yea she thinks we're actually dating
??-hahahha she thought
A-shes really ugly why did you have me do this
??-because your hot and she likes cute guys even tho she's ugly
A-why are you doing this again
??-because she broke me and Diego up
A-wasn't that 2 years ago
??-I still got a grudge
A-okay she's coming down bye destiny
De-bye Alex😏
A tear rolls down your cheek. You walk down stairs and act like nothing happened.
A-hey baby
Y-don't say that
Y-I heard the call
A-n..no lemme explain
A-I'm sorry but destiny was paying me and I needed money and she's a friend of mine she needed help
Y-were done were over fuck off don't talk to me EVER AGAIN
A-shes gonna kill me
Y-good that's what you deserve
A-damn if that's how you wanna act
Y-ALEX I thought you really loved me
A-i know I'm sorry please I really like you for real
Y-you called me ugly
A-because I wanted it to seem like I didn't wanna do this
Y-no were done bye
A-no ple..please
You walk away and ignore him. You go to your room and lock the door and just lay down and cry yourself to sleep.

Hey I figured I would post this because this is the rest of the story well this is what I have so far I posted all this on insta but you might not have it so here's this👍🏼💜💙💀😭

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 30, 2019 ⏰

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College⚠️⚠️🤤😍with daddy Blesiv❤️🥵Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora