Quote 41

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"To this day kids are still being called names. The classics were 'hey stupid', 'hey spaz'. Seems like every school has an arsenal of names getting updated every year. And if a kid breaks in a school and no one around choses to hear do they make a sound? Or are they just backround noise from a soundtrack stuck on repeat when people say things like 'kids can be cruel'? Every school was a big top circus tent. And the pecking order went from acrobats to lion tamers, from clowns to carnies. All of these miles ahead of who we were we were freaks. Lobster clawed boys and bearded ladies, oddities jugling depression loneliness playing solitary spin the bottle trying to kiss the broken parts of ourselves and heal. But at night, while the others slept. We kept walking the tightrope. It was practice and yeah, some of us fell. But I wanna tell them that all of this shit is just debris. Left over till we finally decided to smash all the things we though we used to be. And if you can't see anything beautiful about yourself, get a better mirror, look a little closer, stare a little longer, because there's something inside you that made you keep trying despite everyone who told you to quit. You built a cast around your broken heart and signed it yourself you signed it THEY WERE WRONG."

~ Shane Koyczan

[AN: So wow. 14K reads. I can't believe it because this is something I did a while ago that I forgot about and then I come back to see that amazing number. Thank you. I have not been feeling very well, but I am here mow. This quote is very close to my heart, and it's part of a very long poem by Shane Koyczan. And if you haven't read or heard it, search for it on youtube. Well that's all I really wanted to say so yeah... I hope you've enjoyed this book so far! ;3]

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