Walking In Red

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//This is a homestuck karkat X terezi fanfic I found on tumblr hope you enjoy\\

Karkat is stuck in a post-apocalyptic world when his lie is threatened by a certain red eyed renegade. she decides to make up for her itchy trigger finger. Humanstuck and zombie apocalypse... M for smut... ;n;

Typically, An apocalypse is understood to be an endless path. They can be filled with fruitless attempts of survival and it sends you into a spiral of depression. You can no longer see right from wrong and you make decisions that will ultimately lead to your death. You've only come to know such situations because of movies and television shows but the fact of the matter is, an apocalypse can be survived..... If you have the right person alongside you to watch your hide from zombies and the occasional rogue.

Your name is Karkat Vantas. The year is 2687. You are a rogue nomad living in an underground cave system you stumbled across 2 months ago after looking for ammo for your silenced, .22 pistol. This is your favorite gun and you would not know what you would do without it. It's saved you countless times from the various creatures that inhabit the barren land that surrounds you. You're beyond hot and thirsty. You have plenty of food though. You found an abandoned truck carrying canned goods for what seems like a local supermarket. You need to find water though. You decide that you cannot wait any longer in this cave. You walk around your home and find everything you could possibly need. This is a disadvantage of yours. You suffer from paranoia. Too much of your surprise though, it doesn't act up as much as it used to. It mainly only flares up when you are about to do something that you are sure will lead to your death... even though nothing ever has. You grab spare ammo, a canteen of water, a Machete and an extra pair of underwear..... Just in case. You step out into the sunlight and the rays are so intense you cover your face and cringe.

K- "FUCK.... Holy shit that's bright".

You stumble to the ground as you trip on a rock poking up from the dry dirt. You get up and dust yourself off and cough a few times to get the dust out of your throat.

K- "Ugh. This shit is gross.... I need to find a better place to live".

You begin to walk. You shuffle along the desert plane dragging your feet. You have a towel draped over your head and headphones in your ear. You found an iPod shuffle about a week ago and managed to jury-rig a charger out of an old car battery and some other random parts. You try to use it sparingly still though and only use it on long journeys. The music keeps you distracted from the heat and helps you focus on the task at hand. You look up and see a large hill plastered with large and small boulders. You need the vantage point so you decide to trudge on up. You start up the hill on all fours. One step after another, grabbing anything that seems to be strong enough to pull yourself up. Two small rocks tumble down the hill, almost hitting you. You wonder how that happened. There isn't a single bit of wind and you are the only one here.... Or so you thought.

You climb up further being cautious, making sure your pistol is in easy reach. Four more rocks roll down past you but not close enough to hit you. At this point you're scared. You don't know what the hell is going on and you don't want to know. You stand up and pull out your pistol and get for whatever might come from over the peak. Creeping along, you look back and forth looking for some signs of what the fuck is happening. As you feared, a creature almost out of RL. Stein comes stumbling out at you from behind a rock. It's not fast but you're still scared shitless. You close your eyes and open fire. BANG..... BANG BANG BANG!

You shoot it four times in the face and it wobbles before falling to the ground and pouring black and red blood into the cracks and crevices in-between the rocks. You bend over with your hands on your knees and wipe the sweat from your brow with your forearm. Panting.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2019 ⏰

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