Tomorrow is another day

337 13 26

I ran away when he was done with me I wasn't hurt I ran straight into a giant greenish purple fluffy wolf thing( @fantasy-freaky )

Freaky:oh hi I'm freaky but you can call me defect

He picked me up his hand weren't attached to his body so that happened...

[Later at home]

There was a knock I answered and there was Lulu grace pheonix molten and defect and a white and black wolf who said her name was virus

Crystal looked at them and left:I won't be back untill late listen to Lulu and virus for me will ya?

"Ok crystal"

{A long while later}

Everyone but freaky had crashed freaky smiled at me:I think it's time for you to go to bed

"... Ok night should we leave them her-"

He picked me up and took me to my room and placed me in my bed

Defect:I'll put them into a nicer sleep thing so it's like a sleepover

"I've never had one of those crystal won't let me"

[I fell asleep here what I woke up to]

Freaky draped over molten who was pissed off

Virus sleeping on Lulu

Grace and pheonix talking

Crystal was still not back

It was the weekend

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