E t e r n a l.

39 2 2

The last few words were typed in to your report as it reached 3:15 pm on the corner of your computer. Though, you felt quite tired after staring into the computer for about approximately eight and a half hours. Yesterday wasn't a joy either when you accompanied Atsushi and Kyōka on their assignment turned ugly. The three of you had to use your abilities which unfortunately gave you a sore mind and body. Thankfully, you were finished for the day and you had the day off tomorrow as well.

See, you didn't mind being around Atsushi and Kyōka being that they had a sibling bond and cared deeply for each other. So it warmed your heart without realizing it, knowing that Atsushi was a sweet and caring person. You knew his backstory a bit, truly he didn't deserve to go through all of the torment in the past, and yet...

He was truly a wonderful human.

Ahem.. now back to getting ready to leave..

"Kunikida, I'm finished for today, I completed my part." you managed to say before he gave a nod. "Just be sure to save and print it out, and just to be safe too-"

"Yes, I already sent it through the email... " A small laugh escaped your mouth. You were pretty sure Doppo was unknowingly one of the most paranoid people in the agency. Aside from one boy who you were fond with...

Atsushi was about done fifteen minutes later than you, or, at least that's what you thought. He had his eyes on another report from a few days ago just to keep checking if he made any errors, though he always got Akiko to proofread them. Ah, the concentration in his eyes made you smile warmly. "Right then. I'll be off, see you soon." You waved at your colleagues, as you look forward to a relaxing afternoon at home, with a warm drink, and browsing for shows, with you all curled up in your duvet.

After you stepped outside the door, you hear someone call your name. "(Y/N)?" A soft voice came all too familiar, causing your heart to race and turn around. "Hi, Atsushi." you said warmly and gave another smile. "Ah... I wanted to know, since we both have the day off, uhm.. Do you want to go for a walk with me? Only if you'd like, I don't want to waste your time if you have plans for tonight, I don't want to burden you..." he went on about how he wanted to spend the afternoon with you, but why was he acting this way? You two were friends after all, there's no need to hold back... right...?



"I would love to."

"Ah... okay...!" He was so adorable...

and off the two of you went.


The afternoon was spent walking around Yokohama, looking at all the sights, stopping for coffee and tea along the way. It was super peaceful, and the both of you enjoyed the company. Not even realizing it, the two of you were lightly brushing the back of your hands together, but when he took notice, his face just went red. you were too busy looking at the clouds in the sky, the magical fleece covering the cerulean sky, but he asked a question nonetheless.


"Yes?" You answered.

"Would it be alright if... if I could, ah... hold your hand, by chance? I understand if you don't want to..." Why was he always so hard on himself...

"Yeah, I would like that." you gave another smile with your eyes closed, but jeez he's gonna break your cheeks from the amount of times he made you feel genuinely happy and at peace. "I'm glad." he responded with a beam, as he felt a little more at ease. You took a hold of his hand, the two of you trying not to blush in the action. His hand felt soft despite the glove covering it, and yet it also felt a little sweaty because of how nervous he must've been, the poor thing..

the two of you didn't even realize how far you've walked, because you ended up coming to a hill where the bottom had a river. To him, this is where he had been found by a suicidal maniac that turned him from an orphan to a powerful detective.

"Would you like to lie here for a bit with me?" Ah, so polite...! "Yes, of course, you must be tired after yesterday, too." He chuckled softly as he led the both of you to lie down on the soft grass. "I knew I couldn't be the only one...! I'm pretty sure if we were to complain then Kunikida would have our necks for sure!" more soft laughs could be heard. "Well, thank God we're alive, right?" It hit a soft spot since he was so close to meeting death multiple times, but made Atsushi grateful nonetheless that you asked that. Because if he wasn't, he wouldn't have been in the agency. He wouldn't have discovered his amazing ability. He wouldn't have saved all those people... He wouldn't have been able to meet you and fall in love with you.

"Yeah. Thank God." Atsushi closed his eyes and gave a calm smile.

The two of you laid on the grass, not even realizing or caring that the two of you were latched onto each other with an arm securely around you and legs tangled together, talking about future plans that the two of you had. With Atsushi's warmth and the breathless sky, you closed your eyes, finally at peace.

For about five minutes you fell asleep, Atsushi carefully watching over you and moving stray hairs out of the way, making you burrow into his neck a bit and causing him to blush deeply. He wasn't your partner in the agency, but nonetheless he still vowed to protect you. Your sleeping face made his heart melt in so many ways. He loved you, truly.

Atsushi loved you eternally.

With that. He attentively moved your chin up to where his lips could meet with yours. Oh God, those peach lips were gorgeous on you...

A deep breath in...

A deep breath out.

'Should I?... No... Fuck this... Here I go...' He thought to himself before he got closer and closer, giving a small caress to your lips with his own. Soft, and velvet. You knew these were his lips, which only made you wake up and lean into the kiss more.

The both of your lips were moving slowly and in harmony as the warm sun hit both of you. A bit of tongue was brushed across your lips but you didn't mind. His kisses were so sweet and gentle, you and Atsushi wanted this to last forever.

But moments like this had to come to an end right?

"Heyyy~, are you guys napping?" an all too familiar voice rang. With embarrassment, you hid your face in Atsushi's neck again. "Dazai, you really couldn't have come at a worse time, huh?"

"Yeah, I think the two of you should get a room." He said making a kitten face, you know...

"Well the two of us think you should get away!" You yelled into Atsushi's neck even though it was directed at Osamu, only causing Atsushi to get a little surprised and laugh.


here take this shit fan fiction in return of me not finishing "roommates" when I should be. LOL. I turned a bad life experience into a good one with this story, so I hope you enjoyed it my loves. I've never written for BSD even though I've seen the show more times than any other show I've ever seen... I don't even know if my writing is good enough anymore lol.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you did, then make sure to follow vote and comment!

Well, that's all for now, as Jade Thirlwall from Little Mix says, "See ya next time!"

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