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I gapped in awe as the shattered nebula collapsed before our very eyes each star dissolving into dust which swirled fixated on a single point that was now deep in the barren expanse of pure emptiness. Slowly, as if composed by a master architect, a long deep crease formed from the dust devising what could only be a door, nay a gateway to an inconceivable place, now all that was left was to penetrate it.

As if predicting our every move a single narrow pathway constructed mere steps ahead of us guiding us far into the void towards the entryway, with each step the gateway increased in size till we stood at the base of the mighty gates, each door was masterly detailed and designed with markings and insignias from all over the cosmos.

Wonder filled ever part of my being such a work of art was nothing like I've ever seen before, my eyes studied every inch of the door marveling at their complexity until, to my astonishment, a blemish on an otherwise perfect structure, what seemed to be the smallest of chips no bigger the a finger tip? against my better judgement I pressed my index finger against the cool metallic surface, of course nothing happened why am I such a fool, then a prick followed by a sharp paralyzing pain I falter luckily my colleague caught me before I could fall, it took a moment for me to regain my composure still somewhat woozy I reassure my associates that I would be okay.

I turned my attention back to the blemish to investigate what caused my sudden fatigue, discovering nothing was left confused I placed my hand upon the door to inspect further
When I missed or rather should I say fazed through the thick metal into an incomprehensible vastness of everything to ever have been,visible from ever side and every angle, All my logic snapped I can no longer process what I was seeing nothing it was all to much, I was something so small and insignificant to the rest of the universe this immensity is to much I felt as if I was going to exploded......snap.........

I felt the familiar feeling of dew covered grass under my skin as I lay in the fetal position clenching my head"It is alright little one you will be fine from this point on."

Disorientation filled my head slowly I looked up to see a man standing above me,confusion struck me how is he here? This place should be..well it shouldn't even exist... Its a point between reali- "Beyond reality actually." He says calmly, I stare stunned gawking at him he smiles. "Yes I can hear some thoughts if I so choose to. But tell me traveler why have you come here?" Again I was at a loss for words "still processing I see, I understand your shaken but please don't waste my time, time is precious you know."

Finally the shock wore off enough for me to ask "shouldn't you already know? Can't you read my mind?" He chuckled a low sweet chuckle " No no I can't read your mind merely I can hear your thoughts. Besides reading ones mind and reading ones desires are two very different things indeed."

I... I Don't know what I'm here for I thought to myself I didn't even know this place existed till now.... Why am I here? "Times almost up child you better hurry." Time? Why does time matter in a place beyond reality "Who are you." I thought to myself, again he answered my thoughts " Who am I you ask, well I go by many names for many different people but who I am isn't very important. Do you know what is?" He seemed to have a gleam in his eyes as if he's asked this before. More important then who? What could be more important then that? How could anyth- "You only have a few more minutes please use them wisely."

Again he interrupted my thoughts to rush me once more. What could be more important then who he is? what could it be ... What... What .... What!! That's it I finally knew what to ask with confidence in my voice I looked up into his bright white eyes " What are you?" A small smile appeared on his face " Well dear child I am simply an idea that all species have An idea that many devote their lives to, a concept who many praise and worship. A deity of many name, views and interpretation." Saying I was shocked would have been an understatement but something seemed wrong as crazy as this sounds he didn't seem....well omnipotent.

He held out his hand and cautiously I took it, he then gestured to the old oak tree where a weathered faded bench sat " I mean no disrespect but I don't believe you" "oh? How come, please do tell." He spoke with a hint of curiosity "I've been searching my whole life for an answer and well 'God' isn't it, everything Ive done up to this point has been with science every path I've taken every person I spoke with, all of it science I can't nor will I believe 'God' was the climax of it all." I spoke with great care as not to offend who ever or rather whatever this being is. He erupted in laughter which startled me "My dear child you are a very proud person aren't you?" "Just passionate about my work." " Of course it's your life's work after all. I know it hard to believe but I am what I say." Anger stabbed at me as I lost my temper " No you can't be I refuse to believe it, it's not tr...!" I stop abruptly as everything clicks.

I start a chuckle that forms into a laugh " I know it's hard when everything you believe turns out to be wrong but please." But still I laughed and laughed and laughed " why are you acting like a child pull yourself together." He said very clearly annoyed.

Finally my laughter subsides to a chuckle " no no you miss understand I am not upset how could I be when I finally figured it out!" "Oh? An what is that?" He jest at me " you've dropped so many hints and so many clues, how could I have been so blind!" He raised his eye brow at me"This place is beyond my reality which in tune makes you a being beyond my reality, when I first came here I saw everything from every single angle and You kept saying you were an idea but even as you specified you were still extremely vague it all makes sense when I open my thick skull!"

I was standing at this point waving my hand frantically at this man " This place and you are in the forth dimension, we are in the forth dimension right now!" As I spoke those word something in me clicked and the hum of this place made sense. He laid his head back against the bench and gazed up at the stars above us,I stood there staring waiting for him to answer.

"Ha....well that's quite a thought, I must admit you're an interesting individual to connect a pattern in such...such a way is both crazy and extraordinary. I in my entire life have never heard such a preposterous idea." The words flowed calmly from his lips to my ears and for the first time in my life I felt like a child.

I just stood there unsure of how to respond when the most remarkable thing caught my attention in my peripheral vision the tree looked different, it hadn't changed much and could have been easily over looked but I could faintly see the other side "The mere thought is so outlandish how could a being of such low stature even comprehend what they would see." "I.. I thought..I... I don't know.." I felt so small and wanted nothing more then to hide my shame.

I hung my head low to advert his gaze and clenching my pant leg out of embarrassment "No you didn't but why would you? Even as cleaver as you are you never could have known." He said as he lowered his head into his now folded hands. Again I felt my embarrassment rise up, he began to chuckle once again "Don't feel ashamed I never once told you that you were wrong, have I?"

My eyes widened "No he didn't." I thought to my self "Does that mean I'm right?" I said looking back to him. There was a long pause before he spoke and each second felt like they lasted forever "Well.... Yes and no." He looked me in the eyes "To say we are in the fourth dimension would be a lie." He paused "But to say this isn't the fourth dimension wouldn't be the truth."

Again he paused as if each word carried weight "This point is a bridge that connects the two realitys , where beings from both side can communicate with each other." I thought out loud "So it's like a window between the two planes?" I listened intently"No it's more like a crack or a pocket perhaps, a window wouldn't be finite but a crack is subject to change." I listened carefully and took extensive mental notes.

"This place hold many mysterious to all beings, even I have yet to lear-"


A thunderus sound came from all directions, the explosion of sound brought me to my knees clenching my ears for safety


Blood trickled down my palm as a wave of nausea washed over me, my head began to throb and all sound was wash away by fear.


My vision began to flicker and I no longer feel my body it was as if I was an introder in my own skin.


I can't remember when but the man placed his hand on my temples  looking me in the eyes and spoke one word..."------".... and all was still the pain, the nausea, and the fear were no more and I felt a wave of exhaustion wash over me as I slipped slowly into comfort he spoke one last time but I was to far gone to hear and fell happily into my dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2019 ⏰

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