Home alone

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A/N: so hey this is basically just a quick thing that I'm going to say. My stories are quite short sometimes but I do try to make them have length. This one is something that I kinda did in class before an assessment and I edited in free time. If anyone wants to make a request then just tell me cause I will definitely try it. Anyway I'm blabbing on so let's get into it

It's dark and I'm alone in my house. My parents, my stupid stupid parents have decided to leave me here alone. I know I'm being silly and there's nothing to worry about but I don't feel comfortable here alone. It's around 10pm and I'm sat downstairs watching tv and messaging my friend.
It's getting a bit later and I can swear I hear something outside but I'm not quite sure what it is. My friend had to leave an all I have now is the tv illuminating the room and keeping me comfort. The echo of the remote clicks with every change of the channel
A storm outside has now started and the lightening has started crashing, thunder rolling and rain pounding on the roof and windows a knock on the door makes me jump and my immediate thought is that it's my parents. I get up and walk to the door. My hand gently touches the cold doorknob when I stop. I think to when my parents left and the last thing they told me.
"No matter what do not let anyone in unless you are 100% sure it's us. We'll text you on the way back"
My mum kisses me on the forehead and leaves.
I take out my phone out my pocket to check it blinking from the burning light it gives off. No text. Panic starts to set in while I back away from the from the door. If not my parents then who was outside my house?
My eyes are becoming heavy now. I've been guarding the door for a long painful hour. My minds started playing tricks on me or that's what I hope it is at least. With every flash of lightening I think I see someone getting closer. I can swear I hear someone calling my name. There's a draft coming from the front door with cold icy air. It stops and my blood runs cold as I feel the icy touch of a hand on my shoulder and the breath on the back of my neck making each hair stand on end.

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