Prolouge 1- Bathroom in city

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The Jack Russell Terrier Barked at the Front door. His owner came rushing out and opened it for him. He ran outside and picked his leg up to do his buisness. He felt rather refreshed after, but needed to go more. He trotted into some buses and squatted. He barked, wanting his owner to pick up his mess. Surely, soon enough, the female human came up to him with a bag. " Good dog" it seemed to say while she patted his head. They went back inside.

After a nice nap, he barked loudly again. He had dreamed about swimming in a river catching fisher cats, so her really needed to pee a lot. He barked even louder, to show that he was urgent. Very, very urgent. If they hadn't heard him or weren't home or were asleep, he would do it on the newspaper he used when they were out, or when they were not there to take him outside. They didn't answer, so he went and spread out the thick hep of newspaper, as the urinating would spread out and go on the floor. He lifted iphis leg up and started to pee.

5 minutes later, he settled his leg down and barked. The people let him outside and he went out to play at least for a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2014 ⏰

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