Prologue: A Dreary Dungeon

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The Evil Queen slept soundly in her cell in the dungeon of the Northern Kingdom's palace. It was very humid, with only one small candle lit for sight. She woke suddenly when she heard someone coming down the stone stairs. Whoever it was didn't want to be seen. They were wearing a black, hooded cloak and kept looking behind them to see if they were being followed. When they were standing right in front of the Evil Queen's cell, she could see who it was. Snow White pushed down her hood and spoke for the first time. 

"Stepmother" she said. "Queen Snow White" replied the Evil Queen. "What bring you here at this hour?" she asked. "You know I can't let anyone see me coming down here" Snow White answered as though it was obvious. She entered her stepmother's cell. "You still have this?" she asked, picking up what looked to be a heart made of stone. "We mustn't touch what isn't ours, Snow" the Evil Queen said curtly, taking the heart from Snow White. "What did you really come here for?" she asked. Snow White took a deep breath, "I just want to know why" she confessed. "I just want you to tell me why you always hated me, why you tried to kill me. I just don't understand" she cried. "You're the only mother I've ever known. The guards were going to kill you but I begged them not to. Everyone sees you as a cold-blooded murderer. Do you know what the world calls you? The Evil Queen!" Snow White was close to tears. 

"There are many things you don't understand. Naivety is a common trait among princesses, don't you think?" the Evil Queen laughed. "This is not the time for jokes Stepmo- Very well, I'll tell you my story. But beware, it is not a tale of joy or happiness. You have been warned." 

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