coffee break

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word count:

A/N: I hope this book does as well as my other one


Rory knew Dean had been working a lot lately. She'd hoped he'd be able to take a small coffee break. She was on her way to Luke's now. She walked into the diner and up to the counter. "Hi, Luke. Two coffees to go, please."

Luke turned around and got the cups, pouring coffee into one of them while glancing at Rory. "Is one of these for your Mom?"

"No, for Dean."


"Yeah." Rory smiled, taking the cups that Luke gave to her. She paid and thanked him for the coffee. She began her walk down to Doose's. She opened the door and walked in, spotting Dean in the back stocking shelves. A smile grew on her face and she walked over to him, tapping his shoulder.

Dean jumped a bit, then looking at Rory and smiling happily. "Rory, hi."

"Do you have time for a small break? Maybe sitting at the gazebo with your magnificent girlfriend?" Rory said, handing him one of the coffee cups.

Dean nodded, beginning to walk out with her. "That should be fine." They walked together, Dean's arm around Rory's shoulders. He placed a small kiss on her head, sitting down next to her.

Rory smiled at him. "How is work?"

"Well, we got some new shipments in so I've been helping restock the shelves. And I argued with Taylor about the right way to open a box." Dean said, putting his arm around Rory and taking several sips from his coffee.

"There's a right way to open a box?" Rory asked, being amused.

"According to Taylor there is." Dean said, looking into her eyes. "You look beautiful, Rory."

"Thanks, Dean." Rory said, kissing his cheek sweetly.

Dean handed her his cup and stood, adjusting his apron. "I have to get back to work."

"Awe, so soon?" Rory frowned softly.

"Yeah. It's busy today. I'll come over tonight, okay?" Dean said, giving Rory a kiss. He then left and Rory just watched him go.

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