Chapter 8

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Maya and I got out of the car and walked in the mall. It was massive and the whole mall was bustling.
"Woah" I said.
"Yep! It's my favorite mall just because of how big it is. I'm sure that we will find something for you here." Maya said confidently.
"That's good." I said.
As we continue to walk, I see a girl over at a plushie stand who looks very familiar. I go up and tap her shoulder.
"Yuki, what are you doing here? I thought that you were in the U.S. for a week." I asked.
"Weeellllll, the people at the airport said that there was an error or whatever. So I said screw the U.S., I wanna go shopping. And now I'm here." She said.
I laughed "Well since you are here do you wanna help me look for an outfit with Maya?"
"What's the outfit for?" Yuki asks.
"I'm going on a date with Hosuh!" I say happily.
I laugh again "Yea yea thank you, can we go shopping now?"
"Duh!" Yuki says.
Maya, Yuki, and I start heading for the shopping section. As we walk Yuki says "This is the longest that I've been without Amby." Yuki whines.
"Oh my gosh Yuki, you don't need to mention you boyfriend on a girls trip. Plus it's not fair to those without a boyfriend. AKA me." Maya complains.
"Not one but two!" She corrects.
They continue one like this for a while until
we pass a few stores before settling on one. It was called "Sew Sweet". It was a smaller shop with a wide range of colors and styles.
"Hello, is there anything in particular that you are looking for today." An employee asks us as we walk in.
"This one has a date." Yuki says with a sly as she nudges me. My face goes a light shade of pink and I look over to Maya to see her giggling.
"Ohhhhh, how formal is this event going to be?" She asks with a grin.
"We are going to go the movies." I say shyly.
"Ahh, I understand. You will want to look in that section over there." She says as she points to a rack of clothing.
"Thank you, we will ask you if we need any help." Maya says. The three of us walk over to look at the clothes. Two items immediately catch my eye. There was a cute black above the knee skirt and an off the shoulder top which was a creme color.
I grab them off of the rack and carry them to the dressing room to try them on. When I walk out, I see Maya and Yuki gasping.
"Y/N it's so cute, I love it." Maya say with a grin.
"Awwww, your so cute, I could just eat you!" Yuki said.
"Then it's settled then, I'm going to get this one!" I say as I turn to change back in into my normal clothes. We take them to the counter and pay. As we walk out Maya says "Now to find some shoes!"
"Oh yea, I almost forgot about that." I said sheepishly as I rub the back of my neck.
"Well we can't find them if we don't move. Onward!" Yuki says a little too loud. With Yuki leading us we head to different stores to find shoes. We eventually find a store that has shoes I actually like. We look for a while until Maya pulls out a pair of 2 inch wedge boots which were black. I grab the shoes to try them on. As I stand up and look over to get their opinion.
"Yes, definitely, absolutely!" Yuki says.
"They are very adorable." Maya says with glee.
"I think so too." I say.
"So, are there the ones that you want?" Maya asks.
"Yea I think so, they have been my favorite so far."
I take them off and place them back onto their box.
We take them up front to pay them she hands us the bag.
"Thank you!" I ask as we walk out.
"So what now?" I ask.
"Fooooodddddd!" Yuki whines.
"I guess that I am hungry too." Maya says.
"I agree, what do you guys want?" I ask.
"Let's get sushiiii!" Yuki insists.
"And bubble tea!" Maya says.
"Yes, I agree! And we have to get (Favorite food)!"
"I'll pay!" Yuki says.
"Are you sure?" Maya asks.
"Definitely, it's not like I'm rich or anything." Yuki says.
We continue to talk as we walk to the food court.
We look around until we see a Chinese stand. We walk up and order what we want then sit down at a table with our food.
"I'm going to get some Bubble tea from the stand over there, do either of want one?" Maya asks.
"Nah, I don't like it." Yuki said.
"Sure, I'll take (favorite flavor)"
"Ok!" Maya says as she walks to the stand.
As Maya turns Yuki starts to scarf down her food.
"How about you slow down." I say with a laugh.
"How about chu shut up." Yuki says with a face full of food. I laugh as I start to eat as well. Maya comes back with 2 drinks in her hand and a man following her with another drink. Maya sets the drinks down at the table and the man sets the other drink on the table as well.
"Y/N, Yuki, this guy's name is Dan, he helped me carry the drinks."
"Hello!" He said.
"I didn't ask for a drink." Yuki said as she swallowed her last bit of food.
"But I got you a chocolate shakeeee." Maya says teasingly.
"Oooo, gimmie." Yuki asks as the grabs the drink.
We all laugh and I turn to Dan.
"Hi I'm Y/N." I say with a smile as I hold out my hand.
"Nice to meet you Y/N." He says.
"Would you like to sit down?" Maya asks
"As much as I do I actually have to get back to my friends, we are helping a friend of mine pick out and outfit for a date." Dan says.
"Hey Dan, do I know you from somewhere?" I ask.
Dan sighs and says "Well I'm from the channel DanPlan, you might know me from there."
"Oh. my. gosh." I say as I look down with a blush starting to cover my face. I look back up at him and say "You wouldn't happen to helping Hosuh find an outfit would you?"
"Yea actually...... Wait your that Y/N?" He says in shock.
"Yeaaa....But you can't tell him I'm here." I say.
"Why?" He asks.
"Just cause, ok." I say "Dan why are you in Montreal?"
"Hosuh said that he needed Stephen and I urgently, so we headed here for a while." He said with a smile.
We all talked a little while longer before he decided to go back.
"It was nice meeting you guys! And Y/N, have fun tomorrow." Dan said over his shoulder as he left.
When he said that, my face turned a shade of red. Yuki and Maya continued to tease me until we finished our meals. We all decided that it was time to go home. Once we were outside, we said our goodbyes to Yuki and parted ways. As Maya drove me home we sang along to the Hamilton soundtrack. As I got out I waved to Maya and opened the door to my house. Cookie came up to me tail wagging.
"Hi good girl, did ya miss me?" I say in a weird voice. I grab my phone to check the time. It was 10:00 pm. I yawn and start heading to my room with Cookie in tow. I set my new clothes on a chair and change into some PJs. I lay in bed and pat the space beside me. Cookie jumps on my bed and lays down. Tonight I can sleep with dream of the day ahead.

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