~ someone wrote this for me ~

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my friend wrote me this fic about me meeting jaime at the CWTS tour. here it is~

i walked up the steps of the venue, ready for the concert. i had already met Jaime once before, and this time i can actually hug him. 

Pierce The Veil had come on first, opening with Bulletproof Love. Jaime had that smug look on his face, and whenever he sang along he was just smiling so brightly. whenever i look at him i can understand how i fell in love with him. he’s just that guy, the one funny, cute, shy, awkward, outspoken, random guy. he was an amazing singer, and he treated everyone like his friend. not to mention him and his band members have helped me in so many ways. 

when i had first met him, he had this great big smile on his face. i was shaking already, and i could barely muster any words. i had wanted to tell him how much he meant to me, and how in love i am with him, but i could only choke out a greeting and walk to the next member. this time, i was sure to tell him how i felt.

Pierce The Veil’s set was amazing, as usual. they were probably one of the best bands to see live. they had finished with King For A Day, with Kellin of course, and then Sleeping With Sirens’ set up their equipment and started their set. they had saved Trophy’s Father for their last song, as usual, and Kellin had just started his speech on how he felt about parents leaving their kids. i couldn’t relate to Kellin’s father problems, but i could relate to brother problems. he had asked his question, “how many of you guys’ parents have left you? just left you alone?” and nearly every hand in the crowd went up. Kellin had stated “now thats just way too many fucking hands, i know that i’ll never leave Cope alone. and i’m so fucking sorry for all of you guys, and this song goes out to all of you, because without you, we wouldn’t be standing here today.”

Hands Like Houses performed after that, and then Tonight Alive. everyone was finished, and now it was time for Pierce The Veil’s meet and greet.

my stomach was full of butterflies, i had been thinking about what to say to Jaime ever since i walked through the venue doors. and now it was time, to tell him what i’d been waiting to say to him, ever since i had started liking Pierce The Veil. i had given my letter to Vic, and he said how great that was, but now, its just different. 

i strolled to the back, where the meet and greet was being held. i had my ticket in my hand, and i saw the group of 4 friends sitting at a table, waiting to be instructed where to go by their manager. Jaime was saying something to Vic, and he had a little smirk on his face. i honestly wanted to melt right into the ground, he looked so perfect. without thinking, i had called his name, and as soon as he turned his head i smiled and waved. he gave me a big smile, and whispered something to Vic and stood up. before i could comprehend what was happening, Jaime was standing right in front of me, still having that wide grin on his face.

he had grabbed my hand, opened the gate, and pulled me to the other side and latched it shut again. i have no idea why he choose me to pull to their tour bus, but it kind of just happened. he yelled “i’ll be back in a bit” to his tour manager and i was on Pierce The Veil’s tour bus. i was completely speechless, while Jaime was just looking at me.

he had said to me as soon as we sat down on the couch, “you know, i remember you from our other tour. you were the girl who gave a note to Vic right?” and all i could manage was a nod. everything was just happening so quickly, and it just made no sense to me. i don’t know how it happened, but his hand eventually entwined back into mine and he pulled me close, kissing me softly.

i had eagerly kissed back, letting his tongue slip into my mouth. he had pulled me onto his lap and held me close. once the kiss had finally broken off he whispered something along the lines of “you know, i just couldn’t take my eyes off of you during our whole set.” i had turned a shade of pink, and he just chuckled and held my face in his hands. i finally remembered what i had wanted to tell him, no, needed to tell him. 

it all came out in a rush, but he understood all of it. all he had replied back was “well, you might be in love with me, but i’m definitely not in love with you.”

he saw me look down and fidget with my fingers. and he just winked and said “well not yet babe.”

i smiled up at him, and he pulled me up and continued trailing kisses from my chin to my nose. he laughed again, and kissed me tenderly. i could honestly kiss him all day. 

he pulled away and mumbled “well, i’ve gotta go do the thingy, would you like to come with me or stay here?” and in response i just held his hand, and pulled him out of the bus.

the signing had gone well, Jaime kept smiling and winking at me during the whole thing. and i honestly couldn’t help but laugh. i was in love with him, and he was sure that he’d fall in love with me. everything had gone perfectly, and i honestly still couldn’t believe he kissed me.

after the signing he had walked with me back to the bus, and we had gone straight to his bunk. we were just laying there, and making out lazily. i listened to his steady heartbeat, and he had played with my hair. i don’t think it could’ve gone any better than that.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2012 ⏰

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