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My family has always known the Winchesters because of what we do which is hunting monster and all which is hard to see people’s faces when we tell them about it and if they have had a loved one die because of these things that nobody actually knows about the lore which we have to study just to kill them but I’ve had a secret that I can’t tell anyone about besides my family who has known of my secret which i’ve heard of rumor that more of my ancestors have had this secret which sorta makes me believe that i can be a monster that people would track and hunt me down like everything else but i’m getting ahead of myself here so let me tell you from the beginning.

My name is Sierra Hale and I've grown up in hunter life since I was little, but as I got up some age. My parents won’t let me go out with them on cases which is so hard but I have to watch my sister, Marie who’s also one but we don’t want her to hunt until she mature but she knows everything about being a hunter. That and how the world is and all. Our parents are always on hunts which they leave us with Bobby or our Grams, who’s always been a hunter like all her life but want us to have a “normal” life and Bobby’s got into it cause a tragic memory that he doesn't want anyone to live through but that’s a hunters' life that have to bleed to save another or sacrifice one another just to kill the monster. Although it is a risky business that older hunters’ tell us that we shouldn’t join it because having that type of life can be dangerous and leads to death.                                                                               

 The normal life that hunters want is an apple pie life which everyone who isn’t a hunter has it but hard not to be brought into this type of life & have to lie about what your parents do for a living is having to fake your life to people that you know that can never know the business that you work in. The longer that you’re in it’s dangerous as people who are in your life can make you an easy target which the monsters that are out there will blame their death on you which will make you believe that’s it’s true which will land you either dead or in a mental hospital which no one wants to be ever. Sometime you might terrifying dreams about the people who you didn't save and blame yourself for their death. It's a hard life to live but someone's gotta do it.

Anyway back to my life and how it’s hard to fit in even if you’re an outsider or a weirdo that can’t live a normal life without being cast out of certain things which is why I do my best to keep to myself or do my best to try to make friends that will know that I am a “normal person” who enjoys music, books, writing stories or songs of my own which makes me feel better but the only thing that I have to worry about is my powers which I sorta feel like Superman with healing powers which is cool but I want people to see me as a ”normal teen’’ with “normal things that teens are into” basically an apple pie life but I enjoy hunting just the moving around from place to place gets boring and annoying because all you wanna do is tell them that you want to stay but in the end. You follow the rules that you’ve lived through for years and years which is boring as anything but you have to deal with it unless you rebel on your family or something happens. The way that all the hunters have been raised the same is: Saving People, Hunting Things, the family business.

The powers that I’ve had since I was 9 but I have my mom and grams who have had it but it was hard in the beginning and I have came a long way from then and still able to control my powers which I’m afraid that it’ll turn me into the things that go bump in the night which is one of my biggest fears every since that I first obtain this ability which about one person per generation has been in my situation for years going back towards my ancestors which they were probably burned or killed like an animal. It’s like having a target on your back and you can’t get away no matter what people say and I’ve felt like that ever since I was 9 which is terrifying. It’s just that I want people to see me as normal teen.


Anyway when my parents are on hunts, we stay with Grams or Bobby who will always be family no matter what sometimes both which we all enjoy their company. We would play games, puzzles, and crosswords, read or learn how to hunt but mostly play games which is always fun because the jokes that they’ll tell us are crazy and memories of the olden days when they were kids. It was always an awesome time hanging out with them. John would drop off the boys to hunt with our parents to find the next supernatural creature that’s killing people or torturing them for information just to get thanks for saving other people and it’s no picnic for anyone in the life of hunting.  Here’s my story of hunting.

We lived close to the Winchesters in Lawrence, Kansas for awhile but had to move in with our Grams so she could watch us while our parents went out on a “Date” which means hunting in their book which they still have dates any other couple in the world but ours isn’t a apple pie life which has no good in our life with all the scars that they get would heal cause of my mother and I  who has the power of healing.

  I which I’ve had since I was 9 years old and couldn’t control it but I’ve got ahold of it later on in life like a few months later while doing that it was hard and i was ready to give up on it because of the amount of time i’ve had with my mom and grams because i felt like one of the charmed ones which is a lot. I was tested on how my powers work and how to fight was a good and bad thing but i’ve got a lot of pain from the injuries that from being thrown into a wall or the floor or sometimes the roof. One time i was fighting and i ended up throwing my mom on the ground but she found a way to block and revert back to me and hit my head. Every practice test i would always listen to music cause it’ll help me ease through the test like a breeze which was easy but i had a way to remember by using different songs lyrics.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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