Our Undiscovered Feelings

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      I was halfway home from school when I forgot about the text derek had sent me earlier during lunch. He had asked me to return a couple files I thought I had already given him from my dads' police office. Strangley enough I noticed the files in the passenger side of my jeep. I got in the u-turn lane and quickly zipped my jeep around into the opposite lane.


Things were not going as planned and my wolf was starting to develop feelings. After 22 years of living, my wolf decides to fall in love with an under aged sarcastic boy. Well, yeah he was sarcastic but smart. Smart enough to be the four year running valedictorian of his class, which would be graduating late April.

     It was February 11, and my wolf could sense styles becoming of age soon. Styles birthday happened to be on the tenth of March. He wanted to mark that beautiful amber eyed body and claim him as his mate. Sometimes I thought it was Styles persistent rebelling under someone that could easily break him that turned me on.

    My wolf had been making me reconsider what should and should not be. Was it right that I was falling for a guy, or even a guy that had such easy access of getting under my skin. He was having me do a lot of deep thinking, and there wasn't much time in my schedule for that. Erica and Boyd were out in the forest doing God knows what and Isaac had stayed after for tutorial. If I was on the verge of flunking my senior year,  I would go to tutorials on Friday as well.

   It was just me at the house waiting for the beautiful amber eyed boy to show. It was still cold in Beacon Hills, so I got fireplace going. My heart had stopped when I heard the screaching brake pads of a certain someone. My mind was becoming clouded with irrational thoughts so I ran to the bathroom.


After riding the elevator up to the front door of the loft and my left hand clenching the files I thought for sure I had delivered tightly, I knocked on the door............There seemed to be no answers, so I just let myself in.

     It was dark and the only thing keeping it light enough to see was the light coming from a nearby window. I walked in and shut the door completely.


I called but didn't seem to get an answer.

"Der-" I was cut off and in the process of being shoved up against the wall where the nearby window was lighting up a beautiful face with green eyes the color of a jaguar.

He had me shaking as he held me up against the stone cold wall.

"Please don't hit me"

His lips were held in a straight line as I could hear his intense breathing, almost as if he was resisting something. Slowly he took his hands off of my arms and felt my cheek with the top of his right hand. I was seriously hoping he couldn't smell my arousel due to our closeness. This time he pushed me up into the wall making our pelvics meet. I was suddenly feeling urges that were becoming stronger and stronger as he drew his face into mine.

     I was blown away by the sparks shooting up my spine as our lips touched. They tasted as clean as a york peppermint patty.

"Why'd you do that" I whispered.

"I thought-"

I cut him off slamming my lips back into his.

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