Escaping my abusive relationship 💔

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Brittany P.O.V
Today I'm going to see Joseph. I'm hoping that he not going to hit me or anything.
20 minutes later
Joseph: What took you so FUCKING long?
Brittany: iiii I'm sorry but the bus took too long and it won't happen again.
Joseph: *pins me to the wall* Make sure that shit won't happen again you stupid bitch? *Slap me real hard*
Brittany: *holding my cheek* It won't happen again
Joseph: go make me something eat.
Brittany: What do you want to eat.
Joseph: eggs and bacon
Brittany: okay
*Crying* I really want to escape to this relationship I don't ask Brett and them but I'm trying to hide this from them especially Brett. If Brett find he kill Joseph bit I don't want that. I hurried to finish this breakfast for him and suck up my crying
Brittany: babe breakfast is ready
Joseph: yes Finally I was hungry (ate the i made for him) I don't like this shit (throw the plate to the wall.) (slap me till was bruise)

Brittany: (crying) You gonna stop hitting me

Joseph: What you gonna do about it

Brittany: (nothing)

joseph: That what i think bitch. Don't you ever disrespect me ever again dumbass

Make sure you




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