the end of the war

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Jj: your not doing this

Me: I am getting Hayes back and turning them in

You all will stay back

I grab my skate bored

50 minutes later

I am here break down the door

??: Look who it is I thought all the skulls went to jail

Me: your a trader

??: I am not

I point the gun at his head

Me: you ran off you left us you made me lose everything I went to jail because of that kid you brought he killed a little girl your little girl I am done playing games Kory

Kory: who are you

Me: who do you think black beauty duh

I feel some thing on my head

Me: Benjamin I would put the gun down

Hayes: how do you know me

Me: I was in your place and I don't want you to turn in to me your brothers will hate me

Hayes: you don't know them

Me: Hamilton Nash Grier I am in magcon wish him he talks about you and how he wants you to join magcon and will Grier fellow skull

Hayes: wait he was with you

Me: yes and if you stay with the killers you will end up in jail longer than me because you have a gun to my head please let me help you

He puts it down

I watch as Kory knocks my gun out of my hand and points it at Hayes I take my throwing knives and throw them all four pinning him to the wall I get rope and tie him and all the guys up I gun my gun and knives I grab the other gun put it in korys  hands

Me: I cleaned your mess up

I grab Hayes and call a Uber
To Nash's house
1 hour later

I am here I knock on the door it opens I see Elizabeth Chad and the rest of Hayes family I step a side they all hug him

look down and see blood I look up and make eye contact with Sammy before I fall to the ground

Sammy pov

Alexis looks me in the eyes and then falls I run to her  she's bleeding alot

I look as I see  a knife in her stomach

I call 911

Alex pov

I wake up and see George


George: Alexis Jordyn Johnson

Me: hey  George how are you today

George: I am so proud of you for what you did you ended it

I smile and see Hayes walk in

Hayes: thanks

Me: are you

George: don't worry about it he's fine

I smile

Skate walks in every one leaves he Wash's my face

Me: I am sorry

Skate: hey you did what you had to do

Me: I wish I never got mixed up in that mess

He kisses me

Me: skate

Skate: baby we all are in love with you

Me: what

Skate: me Sammy nash Cameron g jj Carter matt Shawn Taylor Aaron Matt

I get up and walk out

??: Alex

Me:  let me get this in your heads I will never fall in love why because I did and you know what happened he left because I went to jail for shit jj g your the reason I even went to the skulls I get that you think I am into you but for the last Fucking time that's why they call me the black beauty  get it in your heads you want to see what the black beauty is and can do that's what you got enjoy I will make your lives hell Hayes your going to be my new best friend

I grab Hayes hand we go get some drinks

Hayes: what are we going to do

Me: show them why we were in a gang in the first place

Hayes: I like the way you think

I smile at him

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