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She woke up to an unfamiliar environment, the light from the florescent lamp above her head blinding her eyes causing her to squint.

She tried to get up but her body was very limp and she had an IV tube attached to her hand. What was she doing here in the hospital? She closed her eyes and thought for a while, the events of the night rushing to her brain. The last thing she could remember was her passing out on the toilet floor but how did she get here?

Realization struck her and she gasped "Moddibo brought me here, i hope he didn't see the pills"
The creak of the door brought her out of her reverie and she closed her eyes, feigning sleep. Moddibo walked in and sat beside her holding her hands and muttering silent prayers. Soon enough he dozed off due to his lack of sleep.

The doctor came into the room and met Moddibo holding boddo's hands, looking all shades of worried because she still hadn't woken up.

He checked her temperature and blood pressure.
"Will she be fine?" Moddibo asked when he woke up, his voice full of concern.

Dont worry Mr Moddibo, I'm sure she'll wake up any moment from now. Just press the button beside the bed when she wakes up and I'll be there. Moddibo nodded in the affirmative and the doctor left.

About twenty minutes later, boddo lazily opened her eyes. Her husband had already slept on the chair, poor man he looked so tired. She stroked his wavy hair a bit which roused him from sleep.

Boddo am, are you awake? How are you feeling? Is there anything wrong with you? How did you manage to pass out on the toilet floor? What if something bad had happened to you?

She laughed and said Mr questionnaire where do you expect me to start from.. I am fine now there's nothing to worry about.

Alhamdulillah he said and let out a sigh of relief. He then pressed the button beside the bed and a few minutes later, the doctor walked in.

Mrs Moddibo how are you feeling now?

Much better but there's still a little headache.

Do you mind if i ask you a few questions?

Her heart skipped a bit when he said that. What if he had found out about the pills, what would she say.
Yes, Mrs Moddibo, can i?

Yes yes you may ask me - she stuttered

What happened which led to your collapse?

Nothing that i remember, i just went to brush my teeth.

The tests we ran showed a hormonal imbalance. Are you perhaps on some sort of medication.

She could swear she heard her heart pound against her chest but she managed to answer with a poker face. No i don't take any pills.

Well if you say so, but perhaps there's something improper about your diet or lifestyle because clearly it's affecting your baby's development.

Boddo and Moddibo froze in their positions as the doctor went on.
At this stage of your pregnancy, you shouldn't do strenuous activity or take strong pills because any stress could lead to the loss of the baby or your well-being. Anyways both mother and baby are fine so you can take her home in a short while. I'll send a nurse with her medication and diet plan.

It was then that he noticed he wasn't making any sense to them. He tapped Moddibo's shoulder and said are you with me?

He replied. Yes but what are you talking about?

Ohh so you didn't know, she's six weeks pregnant, congratulations and then he walked out.

Boddo could only shed tears of joy as she was speechless. A part of her habiby growing inside of her was all she could ask for and even more. So that explains the weakness she felt in her joints, the mild sicknesses and her always sleepy head. She always had irregular periods so when this one was late, she brushed it off as normal but she was wrong, she was expecting a baby.

He swung her up in his arms and started peppering her face with kisses. Boddo am I'm so happy for us we're going to be parents. I can't wait to tell daada about this, I'm sure she'll be very happy.

Boddo's expression changed immediately and she said - i think its too early to start telling people that im pregnant, can't we wait for another time.

He gave her the "do you even know what you're saying?" look. This is my mother we're talking about and her happiness lies in mine.

Boddo rolled her eyes and picked up her phone pretending to be immersed in what ever she was doing. She silently muttered a prayer hoping that this child will lessen his mother's hatred towards her.

He took out his phone and called Daada.
Daada am, i have good news for you but you have to give me something first.
Don't worry my son, she replied

Boddo is expecting, i mean I'm going to be a father.. Isn't that amazing?

She was quiet for some seconds, then she said Alhamdulillah that's great news.. I'm happy for both of you.. I hope it will be a boy.

Daada am.. He whined
We don't mind if its a boy or girl we just want the best kids we can have and train in the best way.

May Allah choose the best for us.. Allah barkidin God bless you - she prayed

Ameen he replied and ended the call then turned to look at boddo.. What were you scared of before.

Nothing -she smiled.
He shrugged his shoulders and went to close their bill.

After sometime he took her home after he bought some lunch for them.

Back at Daada's house, she was pacing back and forth, hands akimbo.
How dare this girl get pregnant just when I'm planning to destroy their marriage. I love my son but i hate the mere sight of that boddo girl.. Any ways there's always a counter plan.

Eid Mubarak Sweethearts...
Taqabbalallahu minna wa minkum

Initially i had planned for this update to be on eid day but Allah had other plans.

This update is for @ybbashir who wouldn't let me breathe for a few days.

More updates coming your way in shaa Allah

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